2.4 Global Cultural and Intellectual Attributes


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Presentation transcript:

2.4 Global Cultural and Intellectual Attributes The Emergence of Civilization | 3000-2000 BCE

Similarities and Differences Agricultural cultures will all revolve around agriculture, becoming dependent upon the growth of crops Geography, religion, and external forces will begin to affect different cultures differently

East Asia China emerged as the first major culture in the region Its influence meant other peoples would emulate it Several trends Believed in a basic harmony in nature Strived to avoid excess Humans existed within nature’s balance Chinese civilization as the oldest/most successful on Earth

South and Southeast Asia Highly advanced culture and intellectualism Planned cities for functionality Uniform bricks: sign of central decision-making Bath complexes and running water available Sophistication of thought and “clean” culture Peaceful people Despite many archaeological findings, no evidence of weapons/war

The Near (Middle) East Mesopotamian culture is a mix of various cultures The region was conquered by various peoples that assimilated Sumerian culture of agriculture and trade Invented calendar (for seasonal planting), sundial, and wheel (trade) Babylonian culture of law and order Code of Hammurabi: social control through punishment

Africa A mostly homogenous society unified by culture and religion (Egypt) Sophisticated state leadership Bureaucracy and vizier Sophisticated mathematics and architecture Culture would influence Ethiopia and Nubia to the south As well as the Minoans to the north

Europe A variety of clan-based cultures emerged in Europe Various Indo-European tribes developed independently The Minoans would develop under Egypt’s shadow Minoans would be influenced culturally by both Egypt and Near East

The Americas After the last Ice Age, various climates began to form Natives living in various regions, molded to their climate The climate came to define their culture Hunting and gathering (plains Native Americans) Farming communities (Yucatan Native Americans)

Recommended Resources Independent research Be sure to cite with Chicago Manual of Style with footnotes.1 Suggested reading Human Legacy.2 Make sure the title of the text is in italics (see below). These notes When pulling information directly from me, cite me as a source, the slide title, and the title of the presentation in italics.3 1 Use this website to easily cite your source http://www.bibme.org/. 2 Human Legacy, pages 1-10. 3 Mr. Geier, Political Systems, 2.1 East Asia.