Online Session 4.2: Designing Methodologies and Data Collection


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Presentation transcript:

Online Session 4.2: Designing Methodologies and Data Collection Thursday, 24 May 15h00 – 17h00 (Geneva time) Please configure your audio & video for the Webinar Please mute once you have checked your mic Please message Fawad Hussain on webex chat or on Skype if you are having problems to configure audio

Webinar Focus

Analysis Plan

ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK Provides analytical framework of information categories for secondary and primary data analysis. Crisis Impact Operational environment Scope and scale of crisis Conditions of affected population Capacities and response Humanitarian access

Analysis plan– What, where, how and why What data is required to meet the objective? How can this information be collected? From what source(s) can the information be collected What types of analyses will be required to interpret them An analysis plan is a structured way of outlining the whole data collection by defining: Information needs and indicator(s) How the questions will be formulated How the indicators will be summarised and compared How the findings will be used in the final report Repeat, know what you need to know and test your logic – if we ask this type of question; what type of answer will we get and what decisions will you take with this information? By planning already from the start how the indicator will be used, what decisions it will inform and how we will use it in analysis (summarisation/comparison/interpretation), we ensure comparability across the whole assessment. The analysis plan will help you achieve this and should be finalised before the questionnaire An analysis plan: Should be developed in paralel with questionnaire Should clearly define how each question will be aggregated and compared Should also explain what information-need and descision making process the analysis will cover Ensures that you only collect what you need to know and not nice to know Defines unit of measurement and support sampling strategy Enables smooth data processing

Analysis plan – link between the framework and your hypotheses Efficiency – no waste of time: Only useful info is collected Thoroughness – All the necessary information is collected Feasibility - check information gaps and strengths of evidence Plan B – If this is not available, then what is my next move?

Designing: Secondary Data Analysis Humanitarian needs assessments is not a one-off event, but continues in a cycle.

Definition A Secondary Data Analysis (SDA) is a rigorous process of data collation, synthesis and analysis building on a desk study of all relevant information available from different sources such as the government, NGOs, UN agencies, media, social media, etc. Objectives are: Verify and collect baseline information Present an initial and quick situation overview Identify gaps in knowledge and support design of field assessments Support strategic planning

Type of data Operational picture Lessons learned Primary data Crisis situation Primary data Pre-crisis situation Operational picture

MIRA – Situation Analysis or Report Outputs MIRA – Situation Analysis or Report HNO Assessment Reports

Advantages Baseline Problems & Risks Future events Triangulation Cost & Time Remoteness

Managing secondary data – Tagging and coding information with 9 W-H’s Affected area Affected groups Affected Sectors Date Immediate cause Challenges with secondary data: May be old Usually national level, at best provincial May provide figures without specifying how (or when) collected Rarely disaggregated Sometimes inconsistent Reliability credibility issues: What is the data source? Do they have the required expertise? How consistent is this with other data (triangulation) Is the information relevant to the current context or is it out-of-date? Do others with in-depth experience of the local situation find this plausible? Do the “laws of physics” apply? Is it likely these data could be collected within this timeframe at that location? What was the purpose of the data collection? Is the document’s coverage of the topic area broad or too narrow? Team organization From 1 to 3 people, depending on the depth of information required Does not require extensive skills. Can be delegated, but requires coaching. Can be done remotely Preparedness can help, but... Magnitude Confidentiality Reliability Severity

Designing: Primary Data Collection

Coordinated Assessment Harmonized (coord.) Multiple assessments with common questions Common components of methodology Joint (coord.) Single assessment form Single methodology Single report What is a methodology

Types of Assessment In depth – comprehensive and confirmatory Rapid – targeted and explanatory Initial – ‘quick and dirty’ exploratory

1 2 3 4 5 6 9 7 8 A B C

Estimation of Humanitarian Population

Onion model (affected) HNO / MIRA / SitAn (in need) HNO / MIRA / SitAn Total Population Affected (affected) HNO / MIRA / SitAn In need (in need) HNO / MIRA / SitAn Targeted (targeted) HRP/Flash / PMR Reached (Reached) PMR

Humanitarian Population Figures

People in Need Sub-set of the Population Affected All those whose physical security, basic rights, dignity, living conditions or livelihoods are threatened or have been disrupted, AND whose current level of access to basic services, goods and social protection is inadequate to re-establish normal living conditions with their accustomed means in a timely manner without additional assistance.

Berlin Logistics

Q&A / Discussion Challenges of implementing harmonize assessments and joint assessments?