Oral Pleasuring of One’s Own Tumescent Male Organ: 6 Tips.


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Presentation transcript:

Oral Pleasuring of One’s Own Tumescent Male Organ: 6 Tips

This is hardly the kind of news that would take the internet by storm, but men really, really like oral sensual activity. When a partner offers to orally satisfy them, they tend to be on cloud nine – possibly even higher. And if they practice proper male organ care, their partner is more likely to be open to making such an offer. But when a partner isn’t around, many a man has wondered if they could orally please their own tumescent male organ. And many a man has also made at least a half-hearted try, especially if their tumescent male organ was very insistent.

Most men end up abandoning this attempt and being satisfied with using their hands instead. But a fortunate few – two-three out of a thousand, according to Kinsey – have the determination and the flexibility to orally engage their tumescent male organ. It does take skill and practice, so for those interested, here are a few things to consider.

It takes persistence. It would indeed be the very rare man who could manage to self-pleasure orally on his very first try. Granted, some men are very limber and might come very close – but for the majority of men, if they really want to explore this sensual satisfaction activity, they will need to try, try, and try again. Care must be taken. That said, a man needs to be sure not to overdo things. Trying to bend one’s back so that the head can accommodate the member can easily cause a person to seriously injure himself. Going slow and steady, a little at a time, is necessary. It’s also crucial to warm up sufficiently each time before trying to advance.

Consider yoga. Yoga is a tremendous way to exercise and relax, but it’s also an excellent way to help limber oneself up. Taking yoga classes also can help a guy understand the need to take things slowly and to have some background on knowing how to keep from pushing oneself too far. Prepare. Bending and stretching in a cold room is a bad idea. The space needs to be comfortably warm, if not a bit hot, so that the body is in a better frame for stretching. The body also needs to be well hydrated, so he should drink sufficient water; however, it’s not a good idea to drink for 1-2 hours before making an attempt. Otherwise, that water may still be in the belly, making a guy feel a little bloated. Some guys also recommend taking a warm bath beforehand as well.

Get excited. Unless a guy is a major shower instead of a grower, it’s going to be easier to orally engulf a tumescent male organ than a flaccid one. Lots of guys will get tumescent just thinking about orally plesaing themselves, but if that is not the case, a little self-stimulation is in order. Explore positions. There are no statistics on this, but judging by available videos, more men find it easier to oral self-please by lying on their backs and lifting their legs up and back over behind them. However, some do seem to prefer standing and bending or sitting in a chair and bending over. It may take some experimenting to determine which position is best for any individual.

Oral pleasuring of one’s own tumescent male organ will be more appealing if that member is in good shape. For that and other reasons, regular application of a top rung male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is urged. Be sure to locate a crème that includes a combination of moisturizing agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E, so that the manhood has skin that isn’t dry and cracked. The crème should also include vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties that can help keep unwanted male organ odor at bay.Man 1 Man Oil