The War in Europe Today's Objectives


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Presentation transcript:

The War in Europe Today's Objectives 1)Identify how WWII looked like in 1942. 2)Examine the Holocaust 3)Discuss how the Allies defeated Germany 1


Allied Commanders of WWII - Dwight D. Eisenhower - George S. Patton - Bernard Montgomery - George C. Marshall - Benjamin O. Davis

Battle of the Atlantic (1939-1945) Allied fleets vs. German U-Boats Allies use Convoy system to beat Germans.

Getting in to Europe Operation Torch Allies invaded North Africa. Wanted control of Mediterranean, be able to strike Southern Europe.

Invading Italy (1943) - Operation Husky - Led by Gen. George Patton - Southern Italy taken - Rome falls ( May 25th, 1944 ) - Mussolini is killed by Italians! - Germans occupy northern half Of country.

The Liberation of France - Operation Overlord (June 6th, 1944) - Western Allies had to prepare for over 1 year for landing. 160,000 soldiers (27,000 Paratroopers) 5,000 ships Allied success, 10,000 Allied soldiers die.

The Yalta Conference (Feb 4th, 1945) Demanded unconditional surrender of Axis powers. Promised Democratic elections in all European countries post-war.

The Allied Advance in the West - Paris is liberated ( Aug. 1944 ) - The Battle of the Bulge (Dec. 1944) Last German Offensive It fails. Western Allies let Red Army take Berlin (May 7th, 1945)

The Holocaust (1942-1945) Holocaust: Targeted extermination of European Jews. Genocide: Deliberate annihilation of an entire people. - “The Final Solution” for Nazi Germany. - 12 million killed in total, 6 million Jewish people.