Characteristics of an Epic


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Presentation transcript:

Characteristics of an Epic

Notes on EPIC

A Call to Adventure “You must go with me to Alderaan.” -Obi-Wan Kenobi The hero starts out living an ordinary life. He or she is called to go on a quest, often by a “mentor.” Glinda the Good Witch tells Dorothy she must visit the Wizard of Oz Obi-Wan Kenobi asks Luke Skywalker to help destroy the Empire Gandalf enlists Frodo’s help to destroy the One Ring. The hero might doubt that he or she is capable of completing a quest, and “refuse the call.” However, the mentor encourages the hero or even gives magical items to help.

Supernatural forces

The Hero’s Journey “We’re off to see the Wizard.” -Dorothy The hero goes through many trials on his or her way to achieving the quest. “Threshold guardians” will block their way to new places. The hero must either outsmart or defeat them. Allies join the hero to help. The Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Cowardly Lion help Dorothy Luke and Obi-Wan hire Han Solo and Chewbacca The Fellowship of the Ring journey with Frodo

Actions that consist of deeds of great valor or those requiring superhuman courage or strength

Claiming the Prize “What have you learned, Dorothy?” -The Tin Man The hero defeats the shadow and is able to finish his or her quest. The hero returns back home as a different person than when the quest started. Sometimes the mentor or the allies leave the hero, knowing that the quest is completed.

A vast setting

There and Back Again “There’s no place like home.” -Dorothy Others may not recognize the hero when he or she returns home because the hero has changed. Sometimes the hero has to clean up or fix something that happened to his or her hometown when the hero was on the quest. The hero has help along the way from magical items, mentors, and allies, but it is ultimately what’s inside the hero that helps the hero win.

Elevated style (figurative language, imagery, etc.)

Characteristics of Epic Poetry Epic poetry often begins with an “invocation,” which is when the narrator calls on supernatural help to tell the story Epic poems often begin “in media res,” which is Latin for “in the middle of the action (story).” This means a good part of the story has already happened and the narrator begins the poem by catching the reader up on what’s happened

Characteristics of Epic Poetry The Epic or Homeric Simile is an extended comparison beginning with "like" or "as" The simile is loaded with description, often holds up the action at a crucial point to produce suspense, and continues for several lines. Epithets are short phrases that refer to the character’s traits. “rosy-fingered Dawn” to describe the sunrise, “swift-footed Achilles” to describe the qualities of Achilles

What makes a hero? What are some qualities he must possess?

A hero of imposing stature, broad importance, and/or legendary status

Hero Characteristics The hero is larger-than-life and represents the qualities that a culture reveres above all others The hero is not only a warrior and a leader, but also a polished speaker The hero is of noble birth, often a demi-god The hero possesses weapons of great size and power, which are often presents from the gods The hero must undertake a long, perilous journey, often involving a descent into the Underworld, which tests his endurance, courage, and craftiness Good/God/gods are on the hero’s side and often help the hero