Part 1: Defending Human Life


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Presentation transcript:

Part 1: Defending Human Life Agliophobia is a fear of pain. Thanatopobia is a fear of death. Athazagoraphobia is a fear of being abandoned.

Part 1: Defending Human Life Then they came to a place named Gethsemane, and he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” He took with him Peter, James, and John, and began to be troubled and distressed. Then he said to them, “My soul is sorrowful even to death. Remain here and keep watch.” He advanced a little and fell to the ground and prayed that if it were possible the hour might pass by him; he said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Take this cup away from me, but not what I will but what you will.” When he returned he found them asleep. He said to Peter, “Simon, are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour? Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.” (Mark 14: 32- 38)

Part 1: Defending Human Life Jesus said to Peter the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love me?” Peter was distressed that he had said to him a third time, “Do you love me?” and he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” [Jesus] said to him, “Feed my sheep. Amen, amen, I say to you, when you were younger, you used to dress yourself and go where you wanted; but when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” He said this signifying by what kind of death he would glorify God. And when he had said this, he said to him, “Follow me.” (John 21: 17-19)

Part 1: Defending Human Life 1521    Union with the passion of Christ. By the grace of this sacrament the sick person receives the strength and the gift of uniting himself more closely to Christ’s Passion: in a certain way he/ she is consecrated to bear fruit by configuration to the Savior’s redemptive Passion. Suffering, a consequence of original sin, acquires a new meaning; it becomes a participation in the saving work of Jesus. (Catechism of the Catholic Church)

Part 1: Defending Human Life

Part 1: Defending Human Life In developed countries, people seek control of their own lives in everyway, even controlling their own death. Euthanasia and suicide are just a few signs of a culture of death being active in society today.

Part 1: Defending Human Life Euthanasia is most commonly called “mercy killing,” yet in the end, it is still murder and a sin. By Church teaching, there is no justifiable reason for euthanasia. The Church does not demand life to be prolonged by extraordinary means. If a person is near natural death, a person can reject extraordinary means such as pacemakers, breathing machines, and medications that prolong life.

Part 1: Defending Human Life Painkillers are acceptable as well, even if a side effect is quickened death, since the painkillers were meant to alleviate suffering, not cause death. Rejecting euthanasia is not a lack of compassion for sick and dying people. It is rejecting the false solution euthanasia offers in place of the morally right response to suffering: trust in God and in the love of others.

Part 1: Defending Human Life The Catholic Church and Christians have done great things for sick and dying people, including: Running hospitals and hospice centers Listening to their needs Preparing them for the end of this life and the beginning of Eternal Life

Part 1: Defending Human Life Another moral issue in today’s world is Suicide, or the deliberate taking of one’s own life. It is God’s will that preserve and protect our own life.

Part 1: Defending Human Life God alone is the author of all life and God alone decides when and how we die. Suicide rejects this concept about God. Suicide becomes a permanent solution to problems that can and need to be addressed.

Part 1: Defending Human Life Suicide also causes a “ripple effect” of hurting family, friends, and communities. Suicide is always wrong, but the Church does recognize some situations when responsibility is diminished: I.e., a mentally ill person may take their life due to their illness’ effects, not because they wanted to end life. If you know someone thinking about suicide, tell an adult, even if it means breaking confidentiality.

Part 1: Defending Human Life The Church does pray for those who have committed suicide, commending them to God’s love and mercy. Even though suicide is a grave sin, that person may not be lost forever; through God’s mercy, eternal life may still be given.

Part 1: Defending Human Life

Part 1: Defending Human Life Pope John Paul II said the death penalty in modern society should be “very rare, if not practically non-existent.” The death penalty should only be used for individuals when there is no other way to defend society against them. I.e., Osama Bin Laden Life sentences are the new norm to allow individuals to be rehabilitated and still have their human dignity intact.

Part 1: Defending Human Life The death penalty is found throughout the Old Testament. God did not change His mind about the death penalty. Jesus calls His disciples to turn the other cheek and continuously forgive people.

Part 1: Defending Human Life The Old Law only taught the Israelites how to protect against evil and limit punishment. Teaches “what” we should do. Jesus completed the Old Law by teaching that love is much more important than vengeance. Teaches “why” we should do it.

Part 1: Defending Human Life In Ancient Israel, the criminal justice was not as developed as it is today. Criminals could not be held in jail for life; to protect society, such individuals had to be executed. The test of whether to use the death penalty is asking whether society has alternative ways to protect itself, not how horrible the crime is.

Part 1: Defending Human Life The Church teaches criminals should have a second chance to repent for their crimes, turn back to God, and reform their life. We all ask for second chances at some point in our life; God will give that chance to us if we seek it and are truly sorry for what we did.