Review: Lunar Motion Review Questions Sept 15, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Review: Lunar Motion Review Questions Sept 15, 2010

Question 1 The moon is on the equator (a) never (b) always 2 Question 1 The moon is on the equator (a) never (b) always (c) always from observer on earth’s equator (d) twice a month (e) twice a day

Question 2 Which constellation will the moon never pass through? 3 Question 2 Which constellation will the moon never pass through? (a) Taurus (b) Scorpio (c) Aquarius (d) Ursa Major (e) Leo

Question 3 For a total solar eclipse the moon must be (a) new 4 Question 3 For a total solar eclipse the moon must be (a) new (b) at perigee (c) near a lunar node (d) all of these (e) none of these

Question 4 For a high tide the moon must be (a) new (b) at perigee 5 Question 4 For a high tide the moon must be (a) new (b) at perigee (c) near a lunar node (d) transiting (e) none of these It MIGHT be transiting overhead, but it could be underneath the earth (“lower culmination”)

Question 5 The time between full moons is the ____ month (a) sidereal 6 Question 5 The time between full moons is the ____ month (a) sidereal (b) synodic (c) draconic (d) anomalistic (e) tropical