The Rise of Dictators.


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Presentation transcript:

The Rise of Dictators

The Collapse of the Old Order- The Lost Generation Europe was destroyed: Economically- The cost of WWI bankrupted Europe Socially- huge populations of men killed Politically- Revolutions all over Europe American writers and artists in Europe captured the negative attitude of the survivors of Europe. Called the “Lost Generation” by author Gertrude Stein

The World After WWI

Keeping the Peace- Economic Solutions Problem One- The Versailles Treaty punished the Germans with war reparations they could not pay. Problem Two- England and France had difficulty recovering from the war, because they relied on German reparations for funding. Solution- The American Dawes Plan: Reduced the level of German reparations

The Dawes Plan (1924)

Financial Collapse A Flawed U.S. Economy Weaknesses in American economy cause serious problems Economy Boomed in the 1920s But…. Wealth is distributed unevenly Most people are too poor to buy goods produced - start buying on credit, but can’t buy anymore. Factory owners cut back on production, lay off workers Farmers produce more food than people can eat Many farmers cannot repay loans and lose their land

Global Financial Collapse American economic problems create problems in other countries Economies in Europe were dependent on American loans through the Dawes Plan American stopped loaning money and began to call in those loans. Europe couldn’t pay and couldn’t fund public works without American loans This caused a banking crash and high unemployment in Europe

The World Confronts the Crisis Britain Takes Steps to Improve Its Economy British voters elect coalition (multi-party) government, avoids political extremes Government brings about slow, steady economic recovery Cut unemployment Preserves democracy by avoiding political extremes France Responds to Economic Crisis France has more self-sufficient economy Moderates and Socialists combined to form governments Preserves democracy in spite of economic troubles Unemployment remained high Socialist Governments Find Solutions (Sweden, Norway & Denmark) Public works programs help Scandinavian countries recover Taxed people w/ jobs to pay for people w/o jobs

What do you already know? Mussolini Hitler

Video Clips While you are watching, Write down descriptions of What you see. Think about the audience reaction, the stage, and gestures as well as the speech itself. Mussolini Hitler as2Qo-aFvhagbato (start at 1:29:30)

Terms Nationalism Write an example from the video Militarism- glorifying the military, nation led by military leader, preparing the military is extremely important. Totalitarianism a government that maintains complete control over its citizens. Individuals have no rights, and the government suppresses all opposition.

TERMS (CONTINUED) Fascism Nationalism is stressed and the interests of the state are above those of individuals. Under a fascist state, the system of government is centralized under a dictator (a totalitarian state). Write an example from the video Dictator The totalitarian leader of a nation that exercises control by suppressing its opposition through terror and censorship and through nationalism.

World STILL “Not Safe for Democracy” After WW1, New Democratic Governments emerged: Germany, Austria, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece All Lacked democratic traditions New leaders failed to show citizens how democracy could improve their lives economically

World STILL “Not Safe for Democracy” Treaty of Versailles did not allow war-torn nations to rebuild; rather made them pay huge war debts All while dealing with depression, starvation, homelessness, unemployment Countries Unable to Cope

World STILL “Not Safe for Democracy” New Democracies Collapse Dictators seize power and throw out elected leaders.

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Activity Choose a dictator: Stalin, Hitler or Mussolini. You will create a propoganda poster. Make sure you include the following topics: Who you are in power, and why you are the best. You will need to back this up with an example You must make a nationalistic statement. You must make a statement that shows that you are militaristic You must tell the people of your nation what you think about the need for territorial expansion You must tell your people what you will do to people who disagree with you or oppose what you say or do. (Note: though the dictators were racist, your posters will not make any racial or religious remarks or references. Your speech WILL BE CLASSROOM APPROPRIATE) Remember these are about you, so you may use “I will” or “We will” because you are telling of your beliefs and plans