NHS Education for Scotland


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Presentation transcript:

NHS Education for Scotland North of Scotland Region

North of Scotland - Geriatric Medicine Head of Academic Section – Professor D G Seymour Regional Specialty Adviser – Dr W R Primrose 7 “Old-Style” Specialist Registrars 1 - Stroke Medicine 1 – General Medicine – Elgin 4 “New-Style” Specialty Registrars 2 – General Medicine – ARI / Elgin

Geriatric / GIM Clinical Training Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 “Junior “ Geriatrics x 2 years Core Attachments Old – Age Psychiatry (1 month) Incontinence (12 sessions) Palliative Care (1 month) Ortho-Geriatrics (1-3 months) Stroke (1 month Acute / 2 months Rehab) Continuing Care (6 months sessional) Community – Nursing Home (3 months) “Junior” GIM x 1 year GIM Registrar – ARI / Inverness / Elgin “Senior” Geriatrics (50%) Specialist Clinics “Senior” GIM (50%) ARI – Acute medical receiving: 48 “takes” over 2 years General medical clinic – 1x/wk

2 Year “Rolling” Monthly Curriculum 2nd Wednesday of each month Approx. 2 – 5 pm 3 Sections Core-Geriatric Teaching – Based on curriculum External “Expert” Speaker e.g. MDDUS - Medicolegal Journal Club e.g. Critical appraisal / Info / Discussion

Finished our 1st cycle - July 2008 General Consensus - “Should continue … ” Overlap of certain topics in curriculum Restructured our curriculum 18 main core topics – 4 Joint Meetings (Tayside); 2 Review

Year 2008 - 2009 Joint meeting with Tayside (6 Monthly) 1st meeting - 19th November 2008 (Stracathro Hospital) Collaboration – Research Joint effort in covering curriculum Local experts Networking / Social Continued participation in Geriatric Evidence-Based Day Bi-Monthly Research Meeting Updating Departmental Library – BGS Reading List