Self-pleasuring Without Visual Aids: Why It’s Beneficial


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Presentation transcript:

Self-pleasuring Without Visual Aids: Why It’s Beneficial

Is this the golden age of self-pleasuring? There are plenty of arguments in support of this theory. For example, while self-pleasuring is still not really something one discusses at a formal dinner party, there is still a greater openness about the subject than in years past. More people, especially men, not only admit to indulging in self-pleasuring but often talk about it without a sense of shame. There are plenty of lubricants around to choose from, as well as an array of sensual toys which can add to the experience. Studies indicate that it can even be beneficial to one’s male organ health by keeping the member exercised. And of course, thanks to the internet, there is a wide range of visual aids readily accessible by most men.

Visual aids Yet those visual aids – specifically, adult videos, photographs, gifs, etc. – could be considered a double-edged sword. Sure, men tend to be visual creatures and so may respond especially well to visual aids when self- stimulating. But as with anything else, using visual aids exclusively might not be the best idea in the long term. For one thing, relying just on visual aids for self-pleasuring may make it more difficult to self-gratify when a guy is excited but, say, the internet is down or he’s staying with a friend and can’t access the visual aids. In addition, men in adult videos tend to be rather excessively endowed; watching a steady diet of men with extra-large organs give pleasure to women who ooh and aah over their size may make a normally-endowed man feel inferior, even if only on a subconscious level.

Fondling without visuals Skipping the visual aids, at least on occasion, can have benefits for a guy. For example, it can improve his memory. If he challenges himself to utilize memories of actual sensual experiences from his own past, this can help him to keep his memory sharp. Using real life experiences also keeps him firmly an actual player in his self-pleasuring activity: most of the time when viewing adult material, a man is a simply viewing the action rather than actively being a part of it. A man can also create his own sensual fantasies to self-stimulate to, which exercises both his manhood and his mind. Not only can he create exactly the scenario that he wants, but he can have total control over it, so that he and any of the players in the fantasy will act and react in the way that is most pleasing to him.

And sometimes a man may want to self-fondle without using any fantasies or past experiences but instead simply focus on being in the “here and now” of self-gratifying. Concentrating on what he is doing and how it feels – the good sensations each stroke provides, how different strokes and grips provide different sensations, what it feels like to move his free hand over other parts of his body, etc. – he can have a different experience while at the same time learning or re-learning valuable information about himself which he can use when engaging in coupling. A man doesn’t have to give up visual aids when self-stimulating, of course. But at least “switching it up” every now and then is a good idea.

Whether their self-pleasuring includes visual aids or not, men should be regularly applying a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to better maintain that male organ health. Because men sometimes go overboard in the self-pleasuring department and develop a raw, sore member, a crème with both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a preferred hydrating agent (think vitamin E) is necessary. In addition, too much rough handling or using a death grip can seriously de-sensitize the manhood, making self-pleasuring (and coupling) less pleasurable. A crème with a neuroprotective ingredient such as L-carnitine can be an aid in maintaining proper member sensation.