Today’s objectives: MUST Be able to say why coastal defences are needed. LEVEL 4 SHOULD Be able to explain how coastal defences work. LEVEL 5 COULD.


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Presentation transcript:

Today’s objectives: MUST Be able to say why coastal defences are needed. LEVEL 4 SHOULD Be able to explain how coastal defences work. LEVEL 5 COULD Be able to explain how coastal defences affect people. LEVEL 6

Title: Coastal Defences We’ll watch a short clip (4 mins) from the BBC news. You must write a sentence to say why Britains coastline needs protecting from the sea. 2 hours later…

Title: Longshore Drift Copy this diagram into your books. Explain how sediment (sand) is moved along a beach.

Make a table like this in your exercise books: Type of coastal defence How it works What’s good about it (advantages) What’s bad about it (disadvantages) Fill in as much of the table as you can whilst we go through the next few slides.

Click to animate

Rock Armour

Wooden Groynes

Rock Groynes


Curved Sea Wall

Individual households taking action.

Which do you think is the best type of coastal defence and why? If coastal defences are so easy to build, why don’t we just build more of them? EXTENSION: Is coastal erosion a problem here? If not, does that mean that people are the problem, not erosion? If people are the problem, could we just tell them to move house?

Choose one person from this list: Local resident Politician Someone living in Birmingham Local shop keeper Write a paragraph to explain what this person would want to happen to the Norfolk coastline.