Hellenistic Philosophy: Cynicism


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Presentation transcript:

Hellenistic Philosophy: Cynicism True freedom arises from realizing that if one wants nothing, then one will never lack anything. Isolation from the society Denial of physical comfort Autarky, or self-sufficiency, as the goal of life Diogenes, the most prominent Cynic Alexander: if I were not Alexander, I would prefer to be Diogenes.

Diogenes of Sinope

Diogenes and Alexander

Diogenes of Sinope

Diogenes of Sinope Banished from his country, Diogenes spent most of his life in Athens, though he died in Corinth. He called himself the “Dog,” and held up the life of animals as a model for mankind. His task was the “recoining of values,” and to the civilization of Hellenic and Hellenistic world he opposed the life of animals and of the barbaric people.

Hellenistic Philosophy: Skepticism Nothing could be known for certain All ideas and values must be questioned. Truth is unknowable Autarky as the goal of life. Pyrrho of Elis was the founder of Skepticism.

Hellenistic Philosophy: Epicureanism How to achieve happiness: The best way to keep one’s wants simple, and thus to achieve happiness, was to abstain from sex and focus instead on friendship. Also not to indulge in excessive desires Resist fame, power and wealth Freedom from fear: fear of the gods, of death, and of the hereafter. Pleasure is the absence of pain Ataraxia, the desireless state, the goal of life Epicurus was the founder of Epicureanism


Hellenistic Philosophy: Stoicism The world is governed by the divine logos, or reason, or nature. Freedom and happiness consist of living in harmony with logos A resigned and deterministic outlook, but never apathetic. Emphasis on dedication to work and duty Worldwide brotherhood Autarky (self-sufficiency) as the goal of life

Hellenistic Religion: Mystery Cults The mystery cult of Orpheus The mystery cult of Dionysus The mystery cult of Isis (and her brother/husband Osiris). Isis was the most honored goddess of the ancient world. The mystery cult of Mithraism

Mithra Touroctonous
