Manhood Exercise Can Impact Member Function


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Presentation transcript:

Manhood Exercise Can Impact Member Function

Spending time at the gym helps a guy keep his body in better physical shape, and even though it can be tough, most men appreciate the difference it can make. And just as regular exercise can play a big role in overall health, so can manhood exercise contribute to male organ health and function. Guys who are concerned about member function may want to consider initiating a manhood exercise regimen to see what changes it may bring about.male organ health

Use it or lose it For some men, the only manhood exercise they need is regular sensual activity, whether with a partner or with their own hand. The saying “use it or lose it” does have application to good member function. By engaging in sensual activities, the manhood is “put through its paces” like a racehorse, and that does indeed help keep the various parts active, engaged and exercised. So by all means, a guy should include sufficient sensual activity in his manhood exercise routine.

Edging But for some men, a little more effort may be needed to work on member function issues. For example, if a man tends to release seed more quickly than he would like, he may want to include some edging exercises in his routine. Edging involves self-pleasuring the member until it is almost ready to release seed and then stopping. After the urge to release subsides, the man resumes self-pleasuring, bringing himself again to the brink of releasing seed and stopping again. The idea is to repeat this process several times before giving in to the need to release. Many men find that practicing edging over a period of time does help them delay their seed releases during partner-based sensual activity as well. As a side benefit, releasing after edging for an extended period of time often produces a more intense sensual feeling.

Kegels Kegel exercises are very popular and (unlike edging) can be done anywhere, anytime – without anyone being aware of them. A guy’s PC (pubococcygeus) muscle has several functions. It plays a role in helping the tumescence process and also helps maintain or interrupt the flow of urine. When a guy is urinating and suddenly needs to stop, he squeezes the PC muscle to shut off the flow. The squeezing and releasing of the PC muscle is known as doing a Kegel exercise. Kegels can strengthen the PC muscle, which in turn strengthens the member. The best way to do this is to start slow and progressively build. One repetition would consist of squeezing the PC muscle shut, holding it two-three seconds, then releasing for two-three seconds. Start by doing one set of five repetitions and do three sets over the course of a day. The number of sets and repetitions should increase over time.

Kegels plus Once a guy is used to regular Kegels, he may want to challenge himself with Kegel-Plus exercises. For these, more privacy is needed than for regular Kegels. A guy needs to get himself hard, then place a washcloth or small towel on the member for extra weight. He should then contract and release his PC muscles as with regular Kegels. The added weight gives more of a work-out to the muscle.

Member function involves more than simple exercise, of course, but these exercises are often valuable. As with any physical exertion, there may be soreness, so using a first class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is urged. Look for a crème that is going to soothe the tired manhood via the presence of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). It also helps to use a crème with L-carnitine. Edging too roughly can sometimes de-sensitize a member, and L-carnitine’s neuroprotective properties can help restore lost sensation. male organ health crème