The Serious Problem that Can Lead to a Small Member


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Presentation transcript:

The Serious Problem that Can Lead to a Small Member

When a man is old enough to think about his manhood as a source of pleasure, he begins to think about the pleasure it might bring others – and that ultimately leads to questions about just how well their male organ stacks up against that of other men. And inevitably, that leads to questions about manhood size. For some, the idea of having a small member is a frightening prospect, so they focus on great male organ care to keep what they have in tip-top shape.male organ care But unfortunately, sometimes men will overlook certain easy male organ care issues that can actually lead to a small member. These issues can result in Peyronie’s disease, which can lead to major male organ health problems, including the loss of length from the member.

How does a man develop Peyronie’s disease? The most common cause of Peyronie’s disease is small traumas, over a long period of time, that create micro-tears in the skin of the manhood. Those tiny tears and irritations heal over and over again, eventually forming scar tissue to protect the area. That scar tissue becomes a problem, as it inhibits the movement of the organ, especially when a man becomes hard. Instead of having a very slight, natural curve, the man winds up with a more severe curvature that can become worse as time goes on. The result of this is a gradual shortening of the manhood. In fact, a man can wind up losing up to an inch – possibly more – and he can experience other problems too, such as pain when he becomes hard, or difficulty with penetration when he’s with a partner.

It’s important to remember that some men do have a curvature of the manhood that is entirely natural – this curvature is often quite mild. Almost all men have this, so that’s not something to worry about. However, a man should keep close watch on that curve and make sure it doesn’t get worse over time, or that the member doesn’t begin to bend the other way – either of these could indicate a problem with scar tissue inside the manhood.

How can a man avoid losing inches from his manhood? Avoiding Peyronie’s disease should be the goal of every man. But it can be tough to make changes when it doesn’t appear that certain pleasurable habits are causing any problems. For instance, a man who uses a “death grip” during self-pleasuring might not notice any consequences of that act for many years – but once he does, it’s too late to turn back the hands of time.

That’s why the best way to prevent losing inches from the manhood – or any other problems – is to engage in good male organ care every single day, without exception. This means treating the manhood properly during self-gratification, using plenty of creme during either self-fondling or coupling, and avoiding the minor irritations that add up over time. A guy can also take steps to ensure better male organ health at all times, such as wearing a cup during contact sports to avoid the possibility of manhood injury, taking care of any health issues as soon as possible with regular doctor visits, and wearing a barrier protection at all times when with a new partner.

In addition, a man can use a top-notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) every single day. The use of a male organ crème with powerful amino acids, such as L- carnitine and L-arginine, can enhance the nerve endings as well as the blood flow received by the manhood, which can both help improve function. A guy can also look for Shea butter and vitamin E as key ingredients, which keep the skin supple, smooth and more able to fight back against those minor irritations.male organ health crème