Mod 4: Early Explorers.


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Presentation transcript:

Mod 4: Early Explorers

The Conquistador Answer the following questions about the picture above: OPTIC O - What is the overview ? What is the picture of? What is the setting? P - List the parts/details of the picture. T – What could the Title be of the picture if you had to give it one? I - Inference – what do the parts tell you about what is going on in the picture? 5.C – In conclusion– What does the visual have to do with the topic? Why did I choose this visual?

Conquistadors were Spanish soldiers who played a major role in the discovery and mapping of the New World, but they left a trail of blood along the way. Between the 15th and 19th centuries, conquistadors waged war on the indigenous peoples of North and South America, devastating communities through the use of guns and the introduction of diseases such smallpox and diphtheria. No one knows how many people died as a result of the Spanish conquest of the Americas, but some historians estimate that between 90 and 95 percent of the indigenous population of the New World was wiped out.

Mod 4 First Steps in a New Land Columbus sights a New World A. First sight of land October 1492 B. Claimed lands for Spain 1. Most of South America 2. Caribbean Islands 3. Central America 4. Mexico 5. Parts of present day U.S. C. Establishes colony on island in West Indies - Hispiniola

Christopher Columbus


Voyages of Christopher Columbus

New Spain A. Conquistadors 1. Spanish soldiers/conquerors 2. Defeated native Americans B. Friars 1. Members of Catholic Religious order - priests 2. Sent to convert Native Americans 3. Planned to convert by establishing missions

Spanish Missions

Cortes Lands in Mexico A. Arrives 1519 on east coast of Mexico B. Found Aztecs in Tenochtitlan C. Plundered city then rebuilt D. Named Mexico City

Hernan Cortes

Cortes and the Aztec Empire





Pineda explores the Texas coast A. Arrived in Mexico in 1519 B. First European to explore the Texas coast

Cabeza de Vaca A. Shipwrecked in Texas B. Adopted ways of Karankawas C. Became shaman 1. healer 2. spiritual leader 3. medicine man D. Spent 7 years wandering across Texas E. Learned much about geography and people ***Pineda was probably first to step foot on Texas soil

Day 2 – Cabeza De Vaca OPTIC – picture Soapstone – journal writings From Karankawa POV or the Spaniards POV – how do you see Cabeza de Vaca

Use O. P. T. I. C. to analyze the picture 6. O - What is the overview Use O.P.T.I.C . to analyze the picture 6. O - What is the overview ? What is the picture of? What is the setting? 7. P - List the parts/details of the picture. 8. T – What could the Title be of the picture if you had to give it one? 9. I - Inference – what do the parts tell you about what is going on in the picture? 10. C– Conclusion – how does this deal with what we are studying? Why did I choose this?

Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca Cabeza de Vaca possessed a keen mind, inquisitive nature, and exceptional memory, which made him an ideal explorer. He provided the first descriptions of Texas landforms, Indians, and plants. Cabeza de Vaca was the only Spaniard to record the names and practices of the Indian tribes of South Texas and to locate them relative to each other In 1529, Cabeza de Vaca crashed on Galveston Island because of a hurricane. The survivors named their island Malhando, meaning misfortune. They were the first non-Indians to set foot upon Texas soil. Naked and miserably cold, they presented such a sad spectacle to the Karankawa Indians that they sat down with them and cried. Luckily, Cabeza de Vaca knew enough about medicine that he was able to heal many Indians. He became known among the tribe as a “medicine man.” made of gold. When he made it to Mexico he told others about many wonderful cities

The survivors named their island Malhando, meaning misfortune The survivors named their island Malhando, meaning misfortune. They were the first non-Indians to set foot upon Texas soil. Naked and miserably cold, they presented such a sad spectacle to the Karankawa Indians that they sat down with them and cried. Luckily, Cabeza de Vaca knew enough about medicine that he was able to heal many Indians. He became known among the tribe as a “medicine man.”

from The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and His Companions, from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-1536 Primary Source Adventures: Cabeza de Vaca

from The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and His Companions, from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-1536 Primary Source Adventures: Cabeza de Vaca

Questions 1 - 5 1. After reading the description of Cabeza de Vaca’s treatment at the hands of the Coastal Indians. What would your reaction be to the situation?   2. Why did the Indian tribes ask Cabeza de Vaca to trade or barter for them? 3. Cabeza de Vaca felt the life of a trader gave him advantages. What were these advantages? 4. What was Cabeza de Vaca’s “principal objective” in becoming a trader? 5. What did the coastal Indians think about Cabeza de Vaca’s role as a trader?

from The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and His Companions, from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-1536 Primary Source Adventures: Cabeza de Vaca

from The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and His Companions, from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-1536 Primary Source Adventures: Cabeza de Vaca

Questions 6 - 8 6. What action did Cabeza de Vaca take to help the Indian who was suffering from an arrow wound? 7. Based on the Indians reaction to surgery, had they seen medicine of this type before? How would you have reacted? 8. What, if any, fame did Cabeza de Vaca receive for this “cure”?

from The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and His Companions, from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-1536 Primary Source Adventures: Cabeza de Vaca

Question 9 9. List the comparisons the Indians made between Cabeza de Vaca to his fellow Spaniards?

from The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca Primary Source Adventures: Cabeza de Vaca from The Journey of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca and His Companions, from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-1536

Question 10 10. Cabeza de Vaca called buffalos “cow.” How did he describe their hair and meat?

SOAPSTone Speaker – Speaker or Author, and any information that might identify his/her POV on the subject Occasion – time and place of the piece, what encourages the piece, what encourages the piece to be created Audience – The group of readers or listeners for who the piece is intended Purpose – Reason behind the piece, what does the speaker want the audience to think after reading or hearing this piece Subject – general topic, content, or idea of the piece Tone – what is the attitude of the speaker, look at the authors word choice, sentence construction, and imagery

Journal Entry on the backside of your notes: On the backside of yesterday’s notes, create your own journal entry from the Point of View of the Karankawas who have been living with Cabeza de Vaca or from the point of view of Cabeza de Vaca

Mod 4 Section 2 Quest for Texas Gold A. Cabeza de Vaca reports 1. “vast and handsome” 2. “very fertile” 3. No gold, but heard of treasures 4. Inspires others like Viceroy Mendoza

Cabeza de Vaca & Estevanico

Fray Marcos Leads a New Expedition A. Priest B. Estevanico accompanies 1. guide 2. makes friendships with natives 3. Sees Cibola a. Seven cities b. Rich in gold, silver, precious gems 4. Killed by Indians C. Reported seeing city full of treasures


Coronado Disappointed A. Sent to find Cibola B. Found Zuni village and disappointed C. Continued to find Grand Canyon D. Met Turk to took them to Quivira E. Described plains - sky “like a bowl”, lakes “round as plates”, tall grass they were lost in F. Found Native American settlement and put Turk to death

Francisco Vazquez de Coronado

Coronado and the Turk 43

Coronado’s Route

Moscoso explores East Texas A. With De Soto’s group B. First Europeans to reach Mississippi River C. Led expedition west to lower Brazos River

New Mexico is Founded A. Spanish did not find treasure in Texas B. Few attempts at settlements in Texas C. Decide to make a settlement on Rio Grande

Explorer Map of Texas