Tips for Busy Parents Who Want to Get it On


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Presentation transcript:

Tips for Busy Parents Who Want to Get it On

When a couple invites a bouncing baby into their midst, they go from a couple to a family – and that changes things around the house quite a bit. New parents are often sleep-deprived and suddenly busier than they ever dreamed they would be. The idea of coupling might actually seem laughable during those first several months – who has the time or the inclination? But as the kids get older, sensual activity goes back on the menu, and parents do their best to find the time to make it happen. A busy parent who wants to get it on should heed advice for good manhood care so he’s ready to go when the opportunity strikes.manhood care But how to find the opportunity? These tips can help those parents who think their sensual life will never be the same again.

1. Make a plan. A couple who plans out their sensual activity are more likely to make it a priority and actually “get it done” rather than take the easier route – which is simply giving in to exhaustion and going to sleep! If necessary, actually set a date on the calendar, plan for a babysitter, then retire upstairs for several hours of bliss. Or if that doesn’t feel quite right, book a hotel room and let the babysitter handle things at home for a few hours. 2. Be ready at all times. Sometimes planning doesn’t work, especially if a child isn’t on a set schedule yet. In cases like that, it’s important to grab a little action whenever possible. Be ready to go at a moment’s notice (literally) and taking pleasure in five-minute increments – maybe less, depending upon the situation. This means sneaking in a quick intimate moment when the kids are napping or getting it on while they are quietly playing in the next room.

3. Turn to other ways. Parents who want to show their affection but are truly too tired to do so can keep the spark alive with text messages, brief phone calls and even s that express their desires – even if they don’t have the opportunity to act on them just yet. These little promises can build up over a matter of days or even a week, leading to an explosive quickie when the time is right. 4. Ask for help. Everyone needs a little help sometimes, and new parents are especially in need of some relief from time to time. There is never anything wrong with telling the grandparents need a night off is necessary and then taking the child to their house. Don’t have family nearby? Look to a good friend who might be willing to take pity on two fun-deprived parents and host the kids for a night.

5. Look forward to the future. Sometimes the sensual life will fall to the wayside for a while after a baby is born. And that’s okay. But plan for the future by looking forward to the day when the kids can watch a movie on the TV downstairs while mom and dad get into something hot upstairs (with the baby monitor available to alert them to any trouble, of course!).

When the opportunity to get it on presents itself to a busy parent, it pays to make sure all the equipment is ready to go. This can be accomplished through the use of a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A good crème loaded with Shea butter for softness, vitamin E for supple skin, vitamin A for odor control and vitamin C for overall health is a great bet. Other nutrients, such as alpha lipoic acid, L-arginine and L-carnitine help ensure a man’s manhood care remains top-notch, even when he’s too tired to see straight!male organ health crème