Game Pitch for Idea Generation for Computer Games


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Presentation transcript:

Game Pitch for Idea Generation for Computer Games Welcome to my presentation on idea generation for computer games.

Game Idea Fantasy Platformer! Set on a theatre stage Cartoon whimsical style Set on a theatre stage with props and cutouts. Happy and fun. Start to finish not up or down gameplay. Sword short range combat. Plays left to right You have a sword to attack

The Meme Family guy episode with the game Character playing the game addicted Everyone remembers the WoW episode and loves it. People know WoW just from that episode. South park WoW episode Lots of people know the episode

Research and Development Mind Maps Mood Boards Sketches Films Books Pictures

Unique Ideas & Mechanics Level timer! Theatre stage environment! Boss fight on every level! Hero's journey in every level!

Advertisement revenue Income Generation Advertisement revenue Flappy Bird £50k a day 2048 $18 million a year Nothing speaks louder than a big sum of money Fruit Ninja $400k a month

Thank you.