What we just heard….


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Presentation transcript:

What we just heard…

Cottage Community Urban Center What we just heard… Cottage Community Urban Center

Barriers… Lack of a shared community vision Bad information Prejudice and fear Political continuity

More Barriers… Zoning that actually works Developers with vision (and money) Designers with know-how Infrastructure

Infrastructure… Streets Sidewalks Signage Lighting Trees Public spaces Parking Communications Stormwater Water supply Wastewater disposal

Wastewater – Centralize?

Wastewater – Package Solutions Benefits Efficiency Environmental performance Enables compact development Challenges Permitting Cost/financing Sewer user fees

Package examples Small Scale: Source: Smart Growth Alliance

Package examples Small Scale: Source: Smart Growth Alliance

Large Scale Mashpee Commons Centralized examples Large Scale Mashpee Commons Source: Cape Cod Times

Large Scale The Pinehills Centralized examples Large Scale The Pinehills Source: Bing Maps/The Pinehills

Funding mechanisms State Revolving Loan Fund Municipal Application Better fit for fixing problems USDA Rural Development /Rural Housing Service Various loans and grants MassDevelopment Infrastructure Investment Incentive Program (I-Cubed) District Improvement Financing (DIF) Local Infrastructure Development Program (23-L)

Takeaway Points Getting Beyond Sprawl may be more complex than you realize. Prepare your community for a multi-year, methodical approach. Recognize infrastructure hurdles early. Water and wastewater are critical.

Takeaway Points Developers may not be able to shoulder the burden for wastewater alone. Assess eligibility for grants and loans early. The Town may need to help drive everyone to a solution.