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Presentation transcript:

American Imperialism

Foreign Policy Isolationism: The policy where a nation strictly avoids involvement with foreign affairs. Neutrality: The policy where a nation is involved in foreign affairs, but refuses to take sides. Imperialism: The policy where a nation is highly involved in foreign affairs and actively builds an empire. Monroe Doctrine: America’s official foreign policy until 1900, mostly isolationism.

Reasons for America’s Change in Policy

1. Manifest Destiny Belief that America was destined by God to own and control the entire continent. Purchased Alaska from Russia for 2 cents per acre Goal was to eventually add Canada

2. Increase Trade Need international trade to maximize profit, growing American industry. Same reason for many U.S. foreign policies today. NAFTA and Trans-Pacific Partnership

3. Military Alfred Mahon: Naval officer who strongly urged the gov’t. to build colonies to improve national defense. Strategically located colonies = network of Naval bases Hawaii – instigated a rebellion against Queen Liliuokalani Investors wanted sugar plantations Pearl Harbor – strategic naval base in Pacific

4. Religion Anglo-Saxonism: belief that Americans had responsibility to spread their white/Christian culture to unsaved lands. Rev. Josiah Strong: wrote popular book Our Country proposed colonies could protect missionaries to foreign lands. President William McKinley was deeply religious