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Presentation on theme: "EXPANDING HORIZONS SEC PAGES"— Presentation transcript:

Define: Isolationism – expansionism – imperialism Identify: Matthew Perry- Treaty of Kanagawa – Sec. of State, William Seward – Josiah Strong Sec. of State, James Blaine – Capt. Alfred Mahan

2 ISOLATIONISM Non-involvement in world affairs
In 1796, Pres. G. Washington warned in his Farewell Address that the US should avoid alliances with foreign countries.

3 U.S. EXPANSIONISM Policy that calls for a nation to expand beyond existing borders By mid 1800s, American traders had expanded into China and Japan (isolated from West) 1853- Matthew Perry – opened trading with US and Japan – Treaty of Kanagawa (1854) By 1890s, US frontier was coast to coast – look to expand outside of US. for needed resources, markets

4 SUMMARIZE What is isolationism? Who warned the US to be isolated?
What is expansionism? In what area of the world was the US expanding? Who opened trading with Japan in the mid 1850s?

5 Age of Imperialism Actions used by one nation to exercise political/economic control over smaller or weaker nations. Search for raw materials - resources Search for new markets to trade European nations will begin to compete for power and influence in Asia & Africa

6 ANNEXATION Annex – to add (land) new lands
Americans want to build a new empire Would need a canal across Central America linking Atlantic & Pacific Oceans

7 Sec. of State William Seward
Wanted US to dominate in Caribbean, Central America & Pacific 1867- Signed treaty with Russia for Alaska Paid $7.2 million – 2 cents an acre “Seward’s Folly or Icebox” – seen as land of ice with no resources – poor investment 1890s – gold & oil discovered Became territory in 1912 – 49th state in 1959

8 SUMMARIZE What vocab term means a nation gains control over a smaller, weaker nation to gain political or economic control? What vocab term means to add on new lands What new territory did the US gain in 1867? From whom? What was it known as?

9 Americans want to expand
Spread Christianity – moral duty to “uncivilized world”- Josiah Strong, minister Bring religion and culture to Africa, Asia and Latin America Increase trade (new markets) – improve jobs in factories Find needed raw materials for industries Spread democracy – US wants to help nations with no/poor government

10 Monroe Doctrine 1823 – Warning to European nations to stay out of western hemisphere – do not interfere with colonies US would also not interfere with colonies already established US signed treaties in Latin American countries allowing businesses to influence those nation’s economies. 1889 – Sec. of State, James Blaine invited Latin American countries to Washington DC for Pan-American Union conference.

11 Capt. Alfred Mahan Improve and enlarge US navy – sea power would protect US shipping – provide access to world markets US would need overseas colonies where ships could be refueled – get supplies 1883- Congress authorizes construction of first steel-hulled warships By early 1900s, US has naval power to back up expanded role in foreign affairs.

12 SUMMARIZE What were the four reasons the US wanted to expand?
What 1823 idea did the US still plan to uphold in the western hemisphere? What major idea did Capt. Mahan promote?


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