SDLS Protocol Green Book initiation


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Presentation transcript:

SDLS Protocol Green Book initiation Ignacio Aguilar Sanchez (ESA) CCSDS Spring Meeting 2010 | Portsmouth, VA

Background Green Book definition: Intended to provide for the timely publication of a very broad range of general information for the CCSDS community. Informational documents are often published in support of an Experimental specification, a Draft Standard or a Recommended Standard. They may therefore contain descriptive material, supporting analysis, test results, scenarios, etc., which are otherwise inappropriate for the contents of a technical specification.

Chapter 1 of ToC Introduction Purpose Scope Organization of this Report Conventions and Definitions References Chapter 1 structure is standard. No particular adaptation to SDLS GB.

Chapter 2 of ToC Overview SDLS protocol Motivation A summary description of what is SDLS and how it relates to SDL protocol. Motivation Provides the reasons why such protocol has been developed. Explains the simple mission network topology. Interiperability for cross-support. Major design goals and constraints Security Services Compatibility with SDL Services Compatibility with SLE Services Independence of cryptographic algorithms and support to CCSDS cryptographic algorithms Chapter 2 provides a summary introduction to SDLS.

Chapter 3 of ToC Title to be found (design concepts? Summary of concept and rationale?) Security services (selection) This section will present the rationale for the selection of the agreed security services (authentication, confidentiality, integrity and combinations thereof). The selected services are taken out of ISO OSI Security Architecture. A set of tables (one per SDL protocol) will document threats, risks, and other elements justifying the decision taken for each of those ISO OSI Security Services. An important element of information will be constituted by the residual risk for not implementing a security service or by considering the performance of the selected service. Protocol position This section will present the placement of SDLS with respect to SDL in the CCSDS protocol stacks and its rationale. Furthermore, it will identify and discuss the interfaces with other layers. Protocol data structures, fields and functions Organization and description of the various protocol data structures and fields with their corresponding function. Justifications. Management Presentation and discussion of management aspects. Among other things Security Association and Security Context are treated here. In line with GB template chapter 3 provides a detailed technical presentation and discussion of the major technical decisions behind SDLS development.

Chapter 4 of ToC Concept of Operation Integrates the content produced by CB on the GB Conops. In particular look at cryptographic service processing flow diagrams.

Annexes To be completed Reference implementation ISO OSI Security Services tables vs. SDL protocols URD …. Annexes will document detailed elements of information (e.g., analyses) not suitable for the main body of the document.

Open Points Documenting detailed SDLS requirements? A summary of main requirements and their discussion will go into the GB. Should in addition detailed requirements be available for the reader? If so a reference can be made to the URD but the URD would need to be available (i.e., published) at Alternatively, the URD becomes an Annex to this GB Any relevant experience in previous GBs?

Next Actions Collect feedback on the meeting and afterwards Coordinate with SDLS Blue Book Technical Editor (Craig) to harmonize contents Assign content writers on agreed topics