Loss of Manhood Sensitivity Equals Seed Release Difficulty


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Presentation transcript:

Loss of Manhood Sensitivity Equals Seed Release Difficulty

Manhood sensitivity can be a delicate balancing act. When a guy tends to lean toward premature seed release, it often (though not always) involves a manhood sensitivity that is perhaps a little too heightened. But when a dude suffers a diminishment in manhood sensitivity, he may find that he has difficulty achieving seed release. And perhaps even worse, this may be accompanied by a difficulty in achieving or maintaining tumescence in the first place. Thus, it’s easy to see why loss of manhood sensitivity can be a major member health concern for a man.member health

It’s sensitive for a reason There’s a reason manhood sensitivity tends to be heightened. It’s not just because the member needs to respond to external stimuli in order to achieve penetration. It’s because the member is constructed in such a way as to heighten sensitivity. When a part of a person’s body is touched, brushed or stroked, whatever touches it comes in contact with nerve endings. These nerve endings very quickly send a message to the brain that something has happened. The brain interprets the message and says, “You’ve been touched. Respond accordingly” and the person flinches, sighs, moves closer, movers farther away, punches the offending party, etc. Now, the member may occupy only a small part of the body (no matter how large a man’s organ may be), but it’s chock-full of highly sensitive nerve endings. They respond to the slightest touch – at least, when the sensitivity level has not been diminished.

Loss of manhood sensitivity So what happens to cause a loss of this sensitivity? There can be a number of factors, including: A medical condition. There are some medical conditions which can cause numbness in parts of the body, including the manhood. For example, men with diabetes or multiple sclerosis can face this problem. Peyronie’s disease. Men with a severely bent male organ may have Peyronie’s disease, in which the significant curvature is due to plaque build-up. This in turn decreases access to the nerve endings that influence sensitivity.

Cycling. Many men who cycle for extended periods of time experience loss of sensation in the member. This is due to the pressure put on the manhood while cycling. Rough handling. Probably the most common cause of diminishment of manhood sensitivity comes about when a man’s member is handled too roughly (such as when he has partner sensual activity without sufficient lubrication or self-pleasures with a too-tight “death grip”).

Seed release issue When the nerve endings do not operate at peak level, a man will not get the stimulation he needs to operate efficiently. Sometimes it may mean he cannot achieve tumescence, due to lack of “feeling” stimulation. But many other times, he can become tumescent but has a difficult time achieving enough stimulation to lead to seed release, which can be enormously frustrating. When the issue is due to cycling or rough handling, giving the manhood sufficient rest and recovery time can be a big help. It also pays to make sure that sufficient lubrication is used when having sensual activity and to loosen the grip while self-stimulating. When the cause is related to a medical condition, working with a doctor to improve management of the condition is recommended.

Sometimes to regain normal seed release and manhood sensitivity, it helps to daily apply a first class member health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It is essential that the crème contains L carnitine and vitamin C. The former is a neuroprotective amino acid which helps mitigate damage to delicate male organ nerve endings. The former is a vital component of collagen production, which is an aid in tumescence tissue. Efforts to improve manhood sensitivity can have big benefits.member health crème