Dangerous Self-Pleasuring: When Pleasure Goes Too Far


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Presentation transcript:

Dangerous Self-Pleasuring: When Pleasure Goes Too Far

In the pursuit of pleasure, it’s safe to say that consenting adults can get a little over-the-top. That’s especially true in recent years, as books and movies like 50 Shades of Grey push the limits of what many people were accustomed to enjoying in the bedroom. But now that some men are exploring a new world of sensual fun, good male organ care is more important than ever. This is especially true if a man goes a little too far and winds up with some sort of member pain or other problem as a result of overzealous play.male organ care

Crazy self-pleasuring (don’t try this at home!) People have always pushed the limits of what they can do with their bodies, but men sometimes take it to the next level when it comes to self-pleasuring. In fact, stories abound of men who got their equipment stuck in strange places like vacuum hoses, washer hoses, pipes, exhaust pipes of their vehicles, homemade manhood rings of all kinds, glass bottles and much more. Fortunately, most men don’t go this far, but those that do often experience member pain and resulting manhood problems from the damage they do to their junk. The worst part is that the pain might be seen as something that should be endured in the pursuit of pleasure. While a little bit of pain might be enjoyed by some men during their self-pleasuring session, it’s very important to understand just what that pain means and why it’s important to keep it to a bare minimum, if it’s allowed to happen at all.

Why is crazy self-pleasuring so bad, anyway? Dangerous self-gratification techniques can put a man at risk for member pain. That pain is always trying to tell a guy something. The most common pain results from irritation of the delicate male organ skin, which could quickly lead to cuts, bruises, scrapes, and other marks that take a while to heal. As these things happen to the manhood, a man might ignore it for a while in the pursuit of pain with pleasure, but this is almost always a bad thing to do. Irritation can become bad enough that the skin repairs itself with scar tissue, which then inhibits the movement of the manhood as it grows during sensual excitement. The result is severe curvature that might affect a man’s sensual abilities later down the line.

In addition, the delicate male organ skin is loaded with nerve endings. These nerve endings are very sensitive and allow a man to enjoy even the feather-light touches of a partner or his own hand. As those nerves are damaged, they lead to a loss of manhood sensation, which means a man might not enjoy his sensual activities as much – or that he must go further and further for the same pleasure he enjoyed previously, which means he is more likely to edge into dangerous self-pleasuring territory. So when a man is tempted to mix a little pain with his pleasure, he must do so incredibly carefully and with close attention to moderation. Getting a little wild now and then is not a bad thing. But it behooves a guy to always pay attention to any member pain and watch carefully for signs of injury, irritation and the like.

Even a typical self-pleasuring session can leave a man with a sore manhood. That’s why a good male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) should be used every day. A crème with Shea butter and vitamin E can provide hydration, while nutrients like L-carnitine can protect against peripheral nerve damage. Many other great ingredients, including vitamin A for odor control, B5 for healthy tissue and L-arginine for better firmness are all bound to make a man’s self-pleasuring session even better.male organ health crème