Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education


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Presentation transcript:

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships Mónica Vieira Instituto Politécnico do Porto Banja Luka |B&H 7th – 10th March 2016 Project number: 561874-EPP-1-2015-1-BE-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP   "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Vladimir Kush, Atlas of Wonder Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

Internationalisation Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Internationalisation Concept of comprehensive internationalisation (Hudzik, 2011) to infuse international and comparative perspectives throughout teaching a commitment confirmed through action research HEI Mission services Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

Internationalisation Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education Internationalisation a commitment – highest level HEI, from leadership, governance, staff, students through action – strategy, networking, partnerships, funding, recognition mechanisms …. to infuse international and comparative perspectives – includes credit and degree mobility for students, academic exchange and the search for global talent, curriculum development and learning outcomes, franchise operations and branch campuses Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Sandstrom and Weimer (2016) says in a study of the EAIE Barometer: International Strategic Partnership that to succeed in internationalisation field HEIs need to partner with others and formalise cooperation. Partner what for? Partner with whom? Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) International Strategic Partnership as those that encourage durable collaboration between institutions and organisations by building sustainable academic networks, strengthening exchanges among students and staff, and enhancing exchanges of knowledges and practices. (Sandstrom and Weimer, 2016) Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Methodology Online Survey (Spring 2014): net response 2411 from 33 countries of the EHEA 2093 respondents worked at HEIs and represent approximately 1500 European institutions Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Study Quantity of partnerships Activeness of partnerships Targeted geographical regions Content of partnerships Institutional factors Conclusion Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Key findings: 1. Quantity of partnerships 75% perceived the number of institutional strategic partnerships has been increasing in Europe over the past 3 years; Some HEIs publicly promote a high number of international partnerships, other focus on and encourage more activity with a targeted region, smaller number of partnerships; There is great differences among countries in terms of the number of institutional partnerships EHEA average is 71 partnerships per institution Very important: authors clearly perceived from the differences in the responses that there are national and institutional differences in what is considered a ‘strategic’ partnership Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Key findings: 2. Activeness of partnerships The number of partnerships does not correlate with the level of activeness Although institutions with a deliberate strategic commitment to international partnering thus appear to pay more attention to the outcome of theses cooperation agreements. Despite the high number of strategic partnerships reported by many of the respondents, only 19% considered that ALL of their strategic partnerships are active, …. Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Key findings: 3. Targeted geographical regions The highest priority region for respondents was the EU-28, followed by Asia, North America and other European countries. EUA Trends 2015 report (Sursock, 2015) find the same trend where the 3 top geographical areas mentioned were EU (73%), Asia (48%) and USA/Canada (35%) Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Key findings: 4. Content of partnerships - Student exchange and staff mobility are the most common activities included in international strategic partnerships, followed by research collaboration. - 56% of the respondents indicated that joint or double degrees were included in strategic partnerships, while just under half reported that support staff exchange, curriculum development and knowledge exchange as included activities Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Key findings: 4. Content of partnerships Publicly funded institutions, for instance, appear to pay more attention to the quality of research, while privately funded ones are more concerned about attracting more international students (Engel et al 2015). Thus, there is reason to believe that, when it comes to strategic partnerships, higher education funding may influence the type of partnerships developed. Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Key findings: 5. Institutional factors International strategic partnerships are affected not only by national policies, institutional funding and strategic priorities, but also by the internal institutional organisation. At the majority of the respondents’ institutions, central management of the institution is responsible for approving international strategic partnerships. Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Key findings: 5. Institutional factors Institutions where the head of the international office approves strategic partnerships more often cited student and staff mobility as part of their partnerships, while respondents from institutions where the Board holds such responsibility more frequently noted research and innovation activities. Single international offices are more common among HEIs that are beginning to develop their internationalisation efforts, while decentralised offices with coordination mechanisms are more prevalent in later stages of internationalisation. At institutions with multiple offices with a coordination mechanism, a somewhat higher proportion of strategic partnerships are reported as active (ie indicating the highest combined score of ‘most’ and ‘all’ partnerships reported as active). Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education International Strategic Partnerships (EAIE Barometer. 2016) CONSIDERATIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS - DEVELOPING AN INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP POLICY - MANAGING INTERNATIONAL STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016

Strengthening of Internationalisation in B&H Higher Education REFERENCES Sandstrom, Anna-Malin, Weimer, L. (2016). International Strategic Partnerships. Amsterdam: European Association for International Education (EAIE). Retrieved from Sursock, A. (2015). Trends 2015: Learning and teaching in European universities. Brussels: European University Association (EUA). Mónica Vieira Banja Luka | 07th – 10th March 2016