“Worst Mistake in History in the history of human race” Socratic seminar
Worst Mistake in history Read Jared Diamond’s “Worst Mistake in History” and answer the questions below What was the main point of the article? How did the development of agriculture affect people’s health? What three reasons explain the change brought about by the development agriculture? How did the development of agriculture affect social equality, including gender equality?
Discussion Questions Create at least 4 discussion questions that you can ask during the seminar discussion Keep in mind the following when creating questions: Refer to the text and other sources Build upon questions you have already been asked Have a response for your questions...what is your answer? Keep it relevant to the topic
Expectations Be sure to come prepared Do the assigned reading, outside research, and bring notes with possible questions or comments Make thoughtful comments and questions Stay on topic Listen to your classmates. Be respectful and do not talk over someone or interrupt them Use appropriate transitions and language Speak loudly and clearly
What is considered “thoughtful” participation Refer to the text and/or outside sources Build upon other classmates’ comments and questions Have relevant comments and questions Ask direct questions to classmates