Maintain Member Health by Choosing the Right Barrier Protection


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Presentation transcript:

Maintain Member Health by Choosing the Right Barrier Protection

When a man is enjoying all the pleasures a new partner has to offer, he must continue to maintain excellent member health– and in order to do that, he must choose the right protection. Using the proper barrier protection is one of the most important tenets of good manhood care. But choosing the right protection isn’t as simple as walking into the store and purchasing the first pack that looks good. Here’s what a man needs to know to wrap it up appropriately.manhood care

The barrier protection options Choosing the right barrier protection presents a man with a dizzying array of options, from those that glow in the dark to those with weird flavors. Here’s what he needs to know about each option. 1. Size. Each manufacturer offers a variety of sizes, and those sizes might be a little different than those from the next manufacturer. In the end, that means there are literally dozens of sizes of barrier protections to choose from. A guy will have to experiment with different brands, and then the sizes within each brand, until he finds the one that fits perfectly.

2. Reservoir tips. When a guy is wearing a barrier protection, the seed has to go somewhere. If there is no reservoir tip, it might wind up bursting through the thin latex, and thus ruining the attempt at protection. Though it might be tempting to try out some form-fitting models, for the best in protection, reservoir tips are the only way to go. 3. Colors. If the sizes can make a man’s head spin, just wait for the colors! Every possibility is on the table. Though colors don’t really matter when it comes to adequate protection, a guy who wants to make his equipment look a little bigger should always opt for protective devices in lighter colors, or bright ones, like fluorescent yellow or hot pink.

4. Flavors. This might matter to the guy who loves some oral action and wants to make sure his partner enjoys it, too. The flavors available are virtually endless. Keep in mind, however, that novelty barrier protections must still have the reservoir tip – they should provide protection as well as fun. 5. Eco-friendly options. There are now barrier protections that are friendly to the environment or made from organic materials. Before going this route, a guy should make sure that the barrier protections are just as powerful as the latex options in preventing transmission of disease. Assuming they are, hey – why not show Mother Nature a little love while getting it on?

6. Ribbed, studded and more. Usually marketed as “for her pleasure,” these fun devices have ridges, ribs, studs, ripples and much more that provide a little extra sensation. There are even protections with vibrating rings attached that are meant to give a little extra ‘oomph’ right where she needs it. 7. The strange and unusual. From spray-on barrier protections from a can (currently still in the testing phases) to manhood sleeve and latex device combos to those that cover only the tip of the manhood but not the shaft, there are many strange options out there. A man should always make sure that the protection he chooses is fully tested and approved as a protective device against infections, as well as one that is sure to stay on during rigorous activity.

8. Seed blockers or cremes? Some barrier protections come pre-packaged with seed blockers or lubrication already inside them. The only caveat to this is making sure that a guy (or his partner) is not allergic to those ingredients. After trying out these protections, make sure nobody involved winds up with a rash or other irritation where the barrier protection touched their skin.

Finally, always make sure the manhood is ready to rumble with regular application of a top-quality member health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A good crème loaded with Shea butter and vitamin E can help fight against the dry skin that might occur after barrier protection use, thus keeping the skin supple, smooth and attractive.member health crème