Mutual Self-Pleasuring: Reasons to Try It


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Presentation transcript:

Mutual Self-Pleasuring: Reasons to Try It

While self-pleasuring is frequently performed in a fairly “private” situation, that has changed somewhat in recent years. More and more people engage in self-pleasuring online with another person, and many others also post pictures or videos of themselves engaging in self-fondling activities. Yet despite this greater “sharing” of self-pleasuring experiences, many people find it difficult to engage in a mutual self-gratification session with their partners. Those who are interested but hesitant may want to reconsider; in addition to basic male organ health benefits to self-pleasuring in general, many couples find that mutual self-pleasuring sessions can be of great value.male organ health True, it can be daunting to bring up the subject of self-stimulating with a partner, especially for a man. Many men – even those who self-gratify with considerable frequency – feel that solo play is not “manly” or worry that it may make them appear weak.

Benefits So what are some of the reasons a man should ask his partner to join him in some mutual self-pleasuring? A couple can learn a lot. Couples often think they know everything there is to know about each other – but that’s not always the case. A guy may think he knows exactly how his partner likes to be handled, but by seeing the way she strokes, fondles and caresses herself, he may pick up a few pointers that can make their sensual life even better. And the reverse is true in terms of what the woman can learn about the man.

Mutual self-pleasuring demonstrates a new level of trust. If it is a challenge to bring up the topic of mutual self-pleasuring, then actually engaging in the activity means a couple has moved on to a new level of trust. Doing something that exposes vulnerability or requires overcoming a roadblock can bring a couple even closer together than they were before. And that can have positive repercussions throughout their relationship. It eases anxiety about self-stimulating. Many men in a relationship feel guilty that they self-fondle. Performing in a solo manner for each other can help reduce those feelings.

Communication lines can be opened. Often self-gratifying with another person can open up new lines of communication – about sensual activity, but also about other things. A discussion about why they stroked themselves in a particular way, for example, may lead to a story from their past that they’ve never shared before. Definitions of sensual activity can expand. Penetrative and oral sensual activity are tremendously satisfying experiences – but there are times when one or both partners may not be in the appropriate frame of mind for these activities. Mutual self-pleasuring can become a way of satisfying desires in a different way.

Not every person may want to self-stimulate with their partner, but those who are interested in this should think about bringing it up. If a guy knows 100% that his partner would frown on this activity, he should let it go. But if he is unsure, bringing it up may be worth his while. Both may benefit from this step.

Whether a man’s self-gratification is mutual or solo-based, he wants to make sure his manhood is in good shape for the activity. Regular use of a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be a big aid in this area. Since member skin can be rubbed raw, a man needs to use a crème that can replenish moisturization. In order to do this, the crème should ideally have both a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E) and a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter). It also helps if the crème contains L carnitine. This amino acid helps restore loss of sensitivity in the manhood from over-aggressive or rough handling of the manhood.male organ health crème