6/6/2018 5:28 AM The Medieval Period AD


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Presentation transcript:

The Medieval Period 500-1400 AD 6/6/2018 5:28 AM The Medieval Period 500-1400 AD © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

Quiz! 1. List everything you know about the Medieval Era (anything at all) 2. Put a checkmark next to the items that are brought up in today’s discussion as you take notes

The Middle Ages 3 different distinguishable periods Dark Ages High Middle Ages Later Middle Ages The Crusades occurred Launched with the intent of defending Christianity from Islam Thousands of Europeans traveled to Jerusalem Lasted more than 200 years.

Feudalism Reigns Supreme

Christianity Arises as a Unifying Force Christianity (specifically Catholicism) provided the basis for a first European "identity”. Provided a unifying feature during a time of weakness and vulnerability to foreign attacks Services were exclusively conducted in Latin

Music of the Medieval Period Two distinct genres: Sacred and Secular Secular: Instruments and Voice Sacred: exclusively Male Voice

Quick Review 7 Elements of Music Medium Melody Harmony Texture Form Timbre (pronounced tamber) Dynamics

Reading: Sacred Music in the Medieval Era Provided on the Renaissance website Staff > Sewell, Peggy > Music Core Assignments, Documents and Lectures A quiz might happen on the content of the reading

Sacred Music

Gregorian Chant / Plainsong Occurred in the Liturgy during Mass Consisted of a single line of sung Melody Monophonic in texture No harmony associated with the chant at all Non-metric Set in a church mode Dorian – Hypodorian Phyrigian – Hypophyrigian Lydian – Hypolydian Mixoydian – Hypomixoydian

The Modes Ionian w-w-h-w-w-w-h Dorian w-h-w-w-w-h-w Phrygian h-w-w-w-h-w-w Lydian w-w-w-h-w-w-h Mixolydian w-w-h-w-w-h-w Aeolian w-h-w-w-h-w-w Locrian h-w-w-h-w-w-w Ionian w-w-h-w-w-w-h

Hypo Modes Example: Dorian mode

Hypo Modes

Melodic Factors One way to classify the vocal music of the Medieval Era was how the melody combined with the text. Three classifications Syllabic Neumatic Melismatic

Syllabic Music One syllable per note

A few notes per syllable Neumatic Music A few notes per syllable

Many notes per syllable Melismatic Music Many notes per syllable

3 Question Quiz! Match the following musical excerpts with the correct term

Syllabic Neumatic Melismatic 1.

Syllabic Neumatic Melismatic 2.

Syllabic Neumatic Melismatic 3.

The Mass A majority of the music was created for the Mass throughout the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque Eras. (500 – 1750 AD) 5 parts of the Catholic Mass I. Kyrie II. Gloria III. Credo IV. Sanctus and Bendictus V. Agnus Dei

Hildegard Von Bingen Composer Highlight – Composer Highlight – Composer Highlight

The evolution of Musical texture The rise of Polyphony Two or more Gregorian Chants with Monophonic textures were sung simultaneously, creating music with a more complex texture than before Polyphony = two or more independent melodies being played or sung simultaneously. Genres of Sacred Polyphonic music: Organum Motet

The Organum Earliest form of Polyphony Grew from the custom of adding a second voice to a Gregorian Chant melody in the interval of a fourth or fifth

Leonin and Perotin And Activity Time!!! Composer Highlight – Composer Highlight – Composer Highlight

The Motet The most important form of early Polyphony Started with one fragment of Gregorian Chant in the lowest voice (Bass or Tenor) This chant served as the structural skeleton of the piece. The composer would then add 1-3 new melodies. Sacred and Secular texts could be combined

Reading: Secular Music in the Medieval Era Provided on the Renaissance website Staff > Sewell, Peggy > Music History Assignments, Documents and Lectures A quiz on the content of the reading will be given at the beginning of next class period.

Secular Music

Secular Music Not associated with the Roman Catholic Church Earliest songs were in Latin Often contained lewd texts Focused on idealized descriptions of Love and Chivalry Expressed the Carpe Diem (“seize the day”) philosophy of young poets throughout the ages Songs were sung Monophonically with improvised instrumental accompaniment

The Minstrel

The Minstrel Also called Troubadours or Trouveres Travelled throughout France and Germany Performed music for Nobles (or anyone with money) Were often poets, actors, dancers, and musicians all in one Sung Chansons and performed music for dancing

The Chanson Means “Song” Secular Was the first instance of musical repetition based on a pre-determined form Rondeau Ballade Virelai Most often in French

Instruments of the Medieval Era Shawm Sackbut Nakers Tabor Organs Portative Positive Pipe Lute Psaltery Hammered Dulcimer Rebec Vielle




Hammered Dulcimer

Rebec Vielle





Portative and Positive Organ

Function: these instruments were used to accompany dancing at festivals, weddings, etc.