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Presentation transcript:

© The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing. Table 2. Diseases related variables among T2DM patients at WSU teaching hospital Diseases related variables Frequency Percentage (%) Duration of diabetes (mean ± SD; years) 6.74±5.020 Below (<=10 years) 192 79.0 11-20 years 43 17.7 Above 20 years 8 3.3 History of hospitalization Yes 80 32.9 No 163 67.1 Presence of comorbidity 137 56.0 107 44.0 Number of comorbidities (mean ± SD) 2.54 ± 1.385 Average Glycaemic level* 70-130 (good) 99 40.8 Above 130 (poor) 144 59.2 Types of comorbidity Hypertension 150 61.8 Peptic ulcer 33 13.4 Heart failure 22 9.2 Gout 17 6.8 Dyslipidaemia 11 4.5 Others** 10 4.3 Number of comorbidity One 173 71 Two 41 Three and above 29 12 *calculated from at least three consecutive measures of FBS, **CKD, asthma, epilepsy Hailu Chare Koyra et al. Epidemiology and Predictors of Drug Therapy Problems among Type 2 Diabetic Patients at Wolaita Soddo University Teaching Hospital, Southern Ethiopia. American Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 2, 40-48. doi:10.12691/ajps-5-2-4 © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Science and Education Publishing.