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Presentation transcript:

Test Preparation

Listen to the sentences and choose the matching picture for each item. 1 4 3 2

1 3 2 4

Listen to the vocabulary and choose the matching word and correct spelling for each item. A. tralley B. rtoli C. trolley D.trolli A. Forain B. Fouren C. Folein D. Foreign A. ake B. Ache C. Cake D. aike A. Pashent B. Patient C. Pachant D. Paycshent A. Miks B. Mics C. Mix D. Mints A. Domestic B. Domastic C. Doemestic D. Demastic

Choose the meaning of the bold and underlined word in each item. The piece of meat that I ate for dinner was rare. I usually like to eat my steak well-done. A. Barely cooked B. Cooked a little. C. Cooked a lot. D Cooked thoroughly. I have been living in a foreign country for 20 years. A. Different B. The same C. Familiar D. Exciting I will often serve my guests a variety of different foods. On Mondays I like to cook eggs. On Tuesday I like to cook fish. A. Eat B. Give C. take. D. call.

Choose the answer that has the same meaning with the given word in each item. Thin A. Large B. Narrow C. Fat D. Wide Rarely A. Usually B. Similarly C. Often D. Infrequently Put A. Place B. Fly C. Throw D. hurl.

Choose the answer that has the opposite meaning with the given word in each item. Always A. Never B. Sometimes. C. occasionally D. All the time Thrilled Excited B. Bored C. Thirsty D. Elated. Interesting A. Uninteresting B. Compelling C. Alluring D. Friendly

Which word is the noun in the sentence? I am flying to Bangkok right now. What did you do with my car? I want to go to the football match. Did you see my new shirt? Do you know what kind of chicken this is? Do you like pirates?

Which of the following is an adverb? A. monkey B. Frequently C. Possum D. Handsome Adverbs usually end in –ly closely, happily, hungrily etc. Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives E.g. Very beautiful He walked quickly

Which of the following is a correct yes or no question. A. Are you is hungry? B. Did she finish her dinner? C. Do you has long hair? D. She is hungry? A. Is she beautiful? B. Are she beautiful? C. Have she beautiful? D. She have beautiful?

Choose the best answer that show the logical sequences. A. I took him for a walk around the park. B. Yesterday, I walked my dog. C. I had to stop under a tree to have a rest. D. There were a lot of people there and it was really hot. E. Then we went home. 1. A-B-D-C-E 2. B-C-D-E-A 3. B-A-D-C-E 4. E-D-C-B-A

Choose the best answer that show the logical sequences. A. Once, he fell off his bike and hurt his leg and he had to go to hospital. B. It was a very long night and we didn’t get home until morning. C. My brother likes riding his bike. D. To the shops, to school, even to his friends house. E. He rides it everywhere. 1. C-E-D-A-B 2. A-B-C-D-E 3. B-A-C-D-E 4. C-E-D-B-S-A

Choose the best answer that show the logical sequences. A. Jack was 4 years older than brad and has long brown curly hair. B. When they were exiting 7/11 they seen one of their friends Sally standing outside so they stopped to talk to her. C. Jack and his younger brother brad were going to a concert to see there favorite band. D. Brad was much shorter than Jack and has short blonde hair. E. Before they got to the concert they stopped at 7/11 to buy some water because they knew it would be expensive once they got inside the concert. 1. C-A-D-B-E 2. C-A-B-D-E 3. C-A-B-E-D 4. C-A-D-E-B

Reading comprehension Read the information and answer the questions.

Select the best word choices to complete the passage below.