New Plant Health Law Regulation (EU) 2016/2031


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Presentation transcript:

New Plant Health Law Regulation (EU) 2016/2031 More proactive approach against new devastating pests (surveillance, eradication, import rules, financing) Timeline ahead: Entry into force: 13 December 2016 Application: 14 December 2019 (3 years after adoption) Impact of tree pests – background information The pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) is native to North-America. North-American pine species are resistant to it, so there is little damage. The nematode was introduced last century into Asia, where it has caused massive forest death (Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea). In 1999, an outbreak of the nematode was reported in Portugal. Strict measures are in place to stop its spread across Europe, which would result in 50-90% mortality of conifers in southern Europe (and possibly central Europe). The economic impact would amount to an annual loss up to €49 billion. The Asiatic longhorn beetle (Anoplophora chinensis) is very damaging to broad-leaved trees (= non-coniferous trees). Several outbreaks have been recorded in the EU following entry in wood packaging material and young plants from Asia. It is a killer. The red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) reached Europe in the past decade. It is causing large-scale death of Mediterranean palms. Saving a single tree is extremely costly, so most trees are left to die, and the pest continues to spread. Cases like this show that it is worthwhile to keep new pests out of the EU.

Inclusion of all pests Regulation of all pests (quarantine and regulated non-quarantine pests) Listing of pest following risk assessment Union quarantine pests and protected zone quarantine pests Priority pests Regulated non-quarantine pests

Proactive measures against pests in the EU territory Surveys to identify outbreaks of pests Multiannual survey plans Rules on early notification of outbreaks Detailed rules for eradication of pests Containment only under Commission decision Contingency plans and simulation exercises for priority pests Provisional measures on non-listed pests

Measures on commodities Measures on introduction into, and movement within the EU, following risk assessment Current Annexes III and IV of Dir. 2000/29 will remain valid High risks plants: banned pending full risk assessment Temporary measures against new trade Phytosanitary certificates for all plants

Registration and traceability Registration of professional operators Traceability of commodities

Certification Plant passports for all plants for planting Phytosanitary certificates for all plants Export and re-export certificates Pre-export certificates ISPM 15 mark for wood packaging material Other attestations Exceptions to plant passports and phytosanitary certificates

Plant health provisions under the Official Controls Regulation Certain provisions under Official Controls Regulation that are particularly important for plant health: - Specific plant health rules (Art. 22) - Designation of European Union Reference Laboratories (Art. 92 and 93) - Specific rules on import controls (Art. 43 – 72) Those provisions are currently subject to finalisation by the Council and the European Parliament. The Official Controls Regulation is expected to be adopted in 2017 and will become applicable the same date as this Regulation (14 December 2019)

Indicative timeline 2017-2019 Delegated and implementing acts Format and rules on plant passports (legal deadline): Dec 2017 High risk plants (legal deadline): Dec 2018 Plants exempted from PCs (legal deadline): Dec 2018 List of priority pests: 2019 Rules on exemptions from scope: 2019 Lists of pests and commodities: 2019

'Last update as of 3 February 2017. This presentation is a working document which might be subject to further amendments and does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Commission).'