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Presentation transcript:

HMA Follow On Activities Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service (Sensor Planning Service) PR 2 February 2010 Reuben Wright, Deimos Space Alexandre Robin, Spot Image Corentin Guillo, Astrium (if necessary, by telephone)

Sensor Feasibility Reference Environment Project Management Schedule and Progress Actions and Deliverables Specifications SWE Service Model and sweCommon SPS 2.0 (OGC 09-000) SPS Extension for EO (OGC 07-018) Sensor Feasibility Reference Environment Requirements Design Cross specification issues for discussion

Schedule 1/2

Schedule 2/2

Progress by Work Package WP 1000: Project Office Ongoing: Progress Meetings, HMA Wiki updates, coordination WP 2000: Completion of the SPS Specifications At RFC: Core SPS 2.0 (09-000), SWE Service Model (09-001), SWE Common Data Model (08-094). Draft: SPS Profile for EO (07-018) WP 3000: Sensor Feasibility Reference Environment On schedule: Requirements completed, design work has begun WP 4000: SPS Profile for EO - Test Suite ATS draft: ATS delayed slightly to match rest of specification completion schedule and the tailoring to OGC specification model WP 5000: Additional Environments, WP 6000: Warranty Not yet scheduled to start

Proposal Information: List of Documentation Deliverables

Proposal Information: List of Software Deliverables

Actions from 19/01/10 26 closed YC to upload to HMA-FO wiki the "HMA Scenario" technical note created by Astrium in HMA-I to provide a start for High Level requirements/scenarios (but note that terminology will have changed and some aspects are out of date). HMA-FO-DMS-PMD-MOM02 01/12/2009 1 SPB 04/12/2009 27 open Where possible updates to match the OGC specification model will be attempted before March TC. In particular to ensure we have appropriate Abstract Test Suites and some high level view. List of reqs from HMA Scenario document to be considered for the high level requirements summary. 2 ALL 08/03/2010 28 IPR situation means RW can copy OGC draft specifications to HMA Wiki rather than just links (this action replaces Action 9 of previous teleconf). 3 Deimos 11/12/2009 29 RW to add SPS EO draft to HMA wiki to show latest progress. This will be updated to the RFC package when finalised. HMA-FO-DMS-PMD-MOM04 19/01/2010 21/01/2010 30 Cross-specification discussion with OWS Common group about if/how the Notifications information could be moved to OWS Common once it has been used in SPS. Spot 31/03/2010 31 AR to send swe Common RFC package to YC and PGM 22/01/2010 32 RW to add swe Common RFC package to wiki. 33 A slide is to be added to the presentation, to show which RFCs are with Carl and OAB and which are to come, and the timing of these before issuing presentation along with minutes. Will be shown in PR also

Status of SPS 2.0, SWE Common Data, SWE Service Common All RFC packages have been added to the OGC private twiki and portal. SWE Common Data Model standard fully complies with new OGC Specification Model. The commenting phase will start once the documents are approved by OAB and Carl Reed. Process 30 day comment period (not started yet due to delays in the OAB) Review of comments during Spring 2010 Final versions at least three weeks prior to TC meeting June, 2010 TC in June 2010: SWG and TC/PC votes to release for adoption 60 day IPR review and eVote

Work in Progress: SPS Extension for EO Status Document reorganized to comply with the OGC specification model. Added documentation for FeasibilityLevel, FeasibilityID and FeasibilityExpirationDate, and description of output parameters. Final document will be presented at Frascati TC in March and released to OAB for the RFC phase. Review of comments expected to take place before September TC in Toulouse, France where it can be moved forward for adoption. Work Remaining Further numbered requirements – some identified already and others under discussion. ATS – first draft following recommended format from HMA-T – to be aligned to match requirements and requirements classes of the spec.

SWE Common Data Model 2.0 Specification – Intro Previously integrated to SensorML 1.0 Now separate standard for clarity and to ease its use in conjunction with several SWE standards (SPS, SOS, SensorML, O&M, WPS for SWE, etc…) Define low level building blocks for description of datasets and process inputs and outputs SPS tasking parameters are described using SWE Common data components which provide a detailed description of the required input SPS EO also uses the SWE Common Data Model to describe feasibility study results and detailed status information 11

SWE Common Data Model 2.0 Specification – Status Work on 2.0 began at Potsdam TC in June 2008 Specification work occurred within the SWE Common SWG which met at all TC since then (2 hours sessions on average), and during regular telecons (bi-weekly) Work of SWE Common took longer because it impacts other SWE specifications and thus the standard needs to satisfy requirements from many communities UML models, XML schemas, Schematron and document produced by Spot Image Document finalized and uploaded to SWG twiki and portal in January 2010, then submitted to OGC for OAB review and RFC (now waiting for OAB approval) Fully compliant with new OGC Specification Model 08-131r3 12

SWE Common Data Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Design Document organized into requirements classes that match conformance classes in the Abstract Test Suite Model Driven approach - XML schemas generated automatically from UML models by following formal rules (similar to GML application schemas) implemented by FullMoon UML models built from HollowWorld ISO models repository. UMLs compliant with ISO 19103, 19111, 19136 + 11404 Use of GML data types and elements Data components pluggable within GML application schemas (substitutable for gml:AbstractValue) 13

SWE Common Data Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Core Requirements class High level concepts Data representation Semantics of measured properties Time, space and projected quantities Quality, lineage and traceability Units of measure and category code spaces Structure and encoding 14

SWE Common Data Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content UML Conceptual Models – 5 requirements classes Simple data components (data types) = Scalars Aggregate data components = Records and Vectors Block data components = Arrays and Matrices Simple encodings = Text and XML Advanced encodings = Binary + compressed 15

SWE Common Data Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content XML Implementation – 5 requirements classes Simple data components (data types) = Scalars Aggregate data components = Records and Vectors Block data components = Arrays and Matrices Simple encodings = Text and XML Advanced encodings = Binary + compressed Implements UML models and associated requirements Provide XML Schemas and Schematron patterns 16

SWE Common Data Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Abstract Test Suite ~100 requirements One test for each requirements Requirements classes mapping to conformance classes 17

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Intro Previously duplicated in SOS 1.0, SPS 1.0 and SAS drafts Now extracted as separate standard to allow better reuse of concepts that are constant across all SWE services (= reuse of code in implementations) The SWE Service Model is NOT a replacement for OWS Common. It is fully compliant with OWS Common and adds sensor specific concepts and data structures Includes a section on notifications based on WS-Notification. Some of it could be described in OWS Common to harmonize across all OGC services (i.e. not only SWE!) 18

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Status Work on 2.0 began at Athens TC in March 2009 Specification work occurred within the SWE Common SWG which met at all TCs since then (2 hours sessions on average), and during regular telecons (bi-weekly) SWG charter had to be changed to incorporate the new SWE Service Model specification UML models, schemas and document produced by IGSI Document finalized and uploaded to SWG twiki and portal in December 2009, then submitted to OGC for OAB review and RFC (now waiting for OAB approval) 19

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Design Specification organized into (UML) packages ~ requirements classes Model Driven approach - XML schemas generated automatically from UML models by following formal rules (similar to GML application schemas) implemented by FullMoon UML models built from HollowWorld ISO models repository. UMLs compliant with ISO 19107, 19108, 19136 Use of GML data types and elements, use of OWS Common data types and elements ATS for exception handling, extension handling, capabilities section and common operations, SOAP binding 20

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Skeleton for Capabilities Content Section 21

SensorDescriptionUpdated SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Notification Topics Topic name Events posted on topic Encoding of the event CapabilitiesChanged CAPABILITIES_CHANGED SWESEvent (see clause 8.2.4) code value shall be “CAPABILITIES_CHANGED” OfferingAdded OFFERING_ADDED OfferingChanged (see clause 8.2.6) code value shall be “OFFERING_ADDED” OfferingDeleted OFFERING_DELETED code value shall be “OFFERING_DELETED” SensorInserted SENSOR_INSERTED SensorChanged (see clause 8.2.7) code value shall be “SENSOR_INSERTED” SensorDescriptionUpdated SENSOR_DESCRIPTION_UPDATED SensorDescriptionUpdated (see clause 8.2.8) code value shall be “SENSOR_DESCRIPTION_ UPDATED” 22

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Common Extension Mechanism 23

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content DescribeSensor Operation 24

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content UpdateSensor Operation 25

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content InsertSensor Operation 26

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content DeleteSensor Operation 27

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Service Exceptions 28

SWE Service Model 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Identifiers Usage How to specify an identifier and reference it Use of GenericName in SWE = Possibility to have a code space or not Use of GML data types for XML encoding 29

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Intro Revised to better harmonize with other SWE services Better use of SWE Common Data Model components Added full support for notifications using WS-Notification New optional operations for task reservation (Reserve/Confirm) Improved documentation of task state model 30

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Status Work on 2.0 began at Valencia TC in December 2008 Specification work occurred within the SPS 2.0 SWG which met at all TCs since then (1 hour sessions on average), and during regular telecons (bi-weekly) UML models, schemas and document produced by IGSI Document finalized and uploaded to SWG twiki and portal in December 2009, then submitted to OGC for OAB review and RFC (now waiting for OAB approval) Unfortunately not compliant with OGC specification model (08-131r3) 31

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Asynchronous Request Lifecycle 32

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Task Lifecycle 33

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Concurrency 34

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Mandatory Interface (Operation Group) 35

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Optional Interfaces (Operation Group) 36

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Exceptions 37

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Consistent Model 38

Need to reintroduce FeasibilityStudy class Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Consistent Model Need to reintroduce FeasibilityStudy class 39

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Capabilities Content Section 40

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content WS-Notification Submit Sensor ID, Tasking Parameters Submit Response Task ID (or Task EPR), Initial Status Subscribe SPS Client Consumer Reference (EPR), Topic Filter = (Task ID, Event Type) Subscribe Response Subscription Reference (EPR) NotificationMessage (or Raw Message) Producer/Subscription References (EPR), Topic, Message GetStatus Task ID, since 41

Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Polling mode for light clients or behind firewall Submit Sensor ID, Tasking Parameters Submit Response Task ID (or Task EPR), Initial Status … Wait around ½ ToC … GetStatus SPS Client Task ID, since GetStatus Response Status Report with estimated ToC … Wait around ½ ToC … GetStatus Task ID, since GetStatus Response Status Report with estimated ToC 42

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Intro Specification of specific EO satellite tasking parameters and feasibility info Aligned with SPS 2.0 Addition of Validate and GetSensorAvailability operations Reorganization in requirements classes Will be fully compliant with OGC specification model 43

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Status Work started beginning of 2009 Waited for SPS to be completed Last minute additions to compensate for lack of description in SPS 2.0 Will be fully compliant with OGC specification model Scheduled to be released for RFC after March TC Should be ready for vote before September TC in Toulouse 44

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Design Five Requirements Classes are defined SPS parameters for all EO missions SPS parameters for optical missions SPs parameters for radar missions GetSensorAvailability operation Validate operation 45

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Content SPS Tasking Parameters for all missions 46

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Content SPS Tasking Parameters for all missions 47

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Content SPS Tasking Parameters for all missions 48

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Content SPS Tasking Parameters specific to Optical and Radar 49

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Content SPS Tasking Parameters specific to Optical and Radar 50

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Content SPS Feasibility Study Parameters 51

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Content SPS Status Parameters 52

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Content GetSensorAvailability 53

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Validate 54

SPS Extension for EO 2.0 Specification – Spec Content Additional Notification Topics SEGMENT SCHEDULED SEGMENT ACQUIRED SEGMENT VALIDATED TASK_IN_PROGRESS 55

SPS Application Profile for EO - Abstract Test Suite Five Conformance Classes are defined SPS for Earth Observation – test cases covering all mandatory requirements to be satisfied by a minimally conformant SPS for EO implementation; Optical Sensor – test cases addressing the extra requirements for an Optical instrument; Radar Sensor – test cases addressing the extra requirements for a Radar instrument; Sensor Availability – test cases addressing the extra requirements for supporting the operation "GetSensorAvailability" defined in this EO Profile; Validate – test cases addressing the extra requirements for supporting the operation "Validate" defined in this EO Profile;

SPS Extension for EO - Abstract Test Suite SPS had three Test Groups Common Test Elements – related to the GetCapabilities Request and Response; Exception Reporting – related to the errors generated during the Operations; Request / Response Handling – related to the nominal performance of Operations, including validation of the accepted requests, as related to the SPS Extension definitions; SPS for EO adds a further Test Group Notification – related to the ability to subscribe to Notifications; Open Issues/Questions Assumption is that the SPS for EO server is tested in terms of its conformance to the interface standard, not the accuracy of its planning results (eg. in suggesting scenes fully covering area)

Work in Progress: SFRE Requirements Requirements Baseline Document Drafted and in discussion Requirements derived from Operational Scenarios Technical Note have been included System Requirements Document Some requirements from DAIL were of relevance to the Sensor Feasibility Client Issues Possible addition of requirement for order system to get details of feasibility request based on ID

Work in Progress: SFRE Design Architecture Design Document Sensor Feasibility Server follows on from HMA-T developments and large parts of design are being reused. Updates to design (and document) will be made reflecting experience of HMA-T, and new requirements Sensor Feasibility Client again follows from some existing development work and some documentation reuse is anticipated Interface Control Documents The relevant OGC specifications are considered the authoratative ICDs for the system

SFRE system will consist of two different sub-systems: SFRE Design SFRE system will consist of two different sub-systems: Sensor Feasibility Client (SF Client) Sensor Feasibility Server (SF Server)

SF Server SF Server Notification Service Sensor Planning Service Internal Sensor Planning System + StudyFeasibility() SF Client CFI Wrapper SPS Library SPS Controller GetCapabilities() DescribeSensor() GetSensorAvailability() Validate() DescribeTasking() GetFeasibility() Submit() GetStatus() Cancel() Update() DescribeResultAccess() Reserve() Confirm() Radar Mission 1 Radar Mission 2 Optical Mission 1 Optical Mission 2 SOAP reader/writer (Axis) Earth Explorer Mission CFI Notification Library 1..* 1 SF Server

SF Server Components Web server SOAP Reader/Writer SPS controller Apache Tomcat Endpoint where the clients can connect Components forming the SF Server implementation will be deployed as web application SOAP Reader/Writer Axis 2 Serializes and deserializes SOAP message contents SPS controller Web Service that exposes an SPS EO (07-018) interface Logic of the system, in charge of the control and management of incoming requests and the creation of the appropriate responses.

Internal Sensor Planning System SF Server Components SPS Library Converts SPS requests coming from SPS clients into java objects that will be used by the SPS controller Validates parameters as per their SWE Common definition Internal Sensor Planning System Performs feasibility studies for four simulated missions: Radar Synchronous Mission – all feasibility requests processed immediately Radar Asynchronous Mission which makes use of the Notification Service Optical Synchronous Mission Optical Asynchronous Mission

Mission Simulation configuration SF Server Components Mission Simulation configuration Accessed by the Internal Planning System Includes the (very simple) modeling of: Sensor unavailability Weather conditions Station unavailability Unavailability conditions are configured by editing the associated configuration files Earth Explorer Mission CFI Performs accurate computations of mission related parameters for Earth Explorer missions Jave version being considered. If the C++ version is used then it will be accessed through a wrapper based on JNI framework

SF Server Components Notification Service Web Service responsible for sending notifications to the client when it has subscribed for some event types All the SPS operations are synchronous in the sense of the server returning an immediate SOAP or XML response to the client However there are certain operations where the internal processing may take some time. In those cases the synchronous response will return an identifier to use to subscribe for notifications The subscriptions offered by the Notifications System follow the topics in the SPS 2.0 Specifcation

SF Server operation with asynchronous processing response

For discussion: SPS and Ordering services Suggested that Order Submit can take as input a Feasibility-ID (SPS-ID) Raises an issue for the order/programming scenario to be demonstrated at the end of the project unless both services are physically at the same location and communicate between them Possible additional SPS operations to obtain the metadata of pseudo-scenes from an SPS ID Get the task history (ID, creation date, status, operation) Get a single task by ID (ID, creation date, status, operation, request and response) SFRE Scenarios

For discussion: EO Product Parameters Parameters used in SPS to specify which products would be valid SWE Common definitions SPS Application Profile for EO has lists of names, definitions and semantics of suggested parameters Profiles for Optical, and Radar missions Future profiles anticipated (eg Atmospheric missions) There are separate definitions for product metadata Clear need for harmonisation where possible SFRE Scenarios