Regional Assessment Network (RAN)


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Regional Assessment Network (RAN) Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting Division March 15, 2017 Printed by the Riverside County Office of Education

Agenda Dashboard is Released! Live Demonstration of the Dashboard and the Five-by-Five Performance Report Available Resources Future State Board of Education (SBE) Topics New Data Included in the Fall 2017 Dashboard Additional Item to Note

Dashboard is Released! At 10:30 a.m. today, the Dashboard was released to the public. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction’s press release announcement is accessible on the CDE Web page at:

Live Demonstration Dashboard Web Address: Five-by-Five Placement Report Web Address: This report contains a direct link to the Dashboard.

Latest Dashboard Updates Grade 11 Smarter Balanced Assessment Results can be viewed on the College/Career Indicator (CCI) report. The grade 11 results are based on using the “Distance from Level 3” (DF3) methodology.

Latest Dashboard Updates (Cont.) The CCI will be available next month within the Detailed Reports tab. The reported data will reflect the percent of students who were “Prepared,” “Approaching Prepared,” and “Not Prepared” on the CCI levels. Keep in mind that the assessments used are based on the performance level results (not DF3).

Latest Dashboard System Updates (Cont.) English Learner (EL) Only and Reclassified English Fluent Proficient (RFEP) Only data are now displayed within the ELA and mathematics reports. The “EL” student group data includes both EL and students reclassified within the past 4 years (i.e., reclassified after April 15, 2012). The “EL Only” student group contains only the EL students ELA = English language arts/literacy

Latest Dashboard System Updates (Cont.) The “RFEP Only” student group data are based on only those students who were reclassified within the past 4 years (i.e., reclassified after April 15, 2012). Narrative Box is now operational. There is a 500 character limit. Since the system does not automatically accept Web addresses, if you need to include Web addresses to direct the reader to a particular site, please write out the URL (e.g., LEAs = Local Educational Agencies CALPADS = California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System

Latest Dashboard System Updates (Cont.) Local Indicators ratings will be based on Met / Not Met / Not Met for Two or More Years. This was determined by the SBE at their March 2017 meeting. A glossary containing definitions of the terms for each of the state indicators is now available on the Dashboard. A one page fast start guide and a video are now available.

Available Resources The California Accountability Model and School Dashboard Web page ( contains: Link to the Dashboard Link to the Five-by-Five Placement Report. Five tabs of information: Overview Tab includes a five-minute video covering general information of the new accountability system classroom. The Spanish version of this video is also now available.

Available Resources (Cont.) Parents Tab: Contains a link to the English and Spanish videos. While Spanish is the only current translation to the Parent information, the other translations (for the top four languages) will be posted by April 1. Resources Tab: All PowerPoints presented during the Webinar series on the state indicators are posted. The final Webinar on “Statements of Model Practices, Local Performance Indicators and Chronic Absenteeism” was held yesterday and the PowerPoint will be posted shortly.

Available Resources (Cont.) Resources Tab also includes the: Five-by-Five Colored Tables for each of the state indicators The approved standards and tools (i.e., self-reflection tools) that LEAs can use to rate local indicators

Available Resources (Cont.) Data Files and Guide Tab: The data files and associated record layouts are now posted. The technical guide has been updated. See Appendix G for the list of all the major updates made. This tab also contains the Quick Reference Guide.

Available Resources (Cont.) Communications Toolkit Tab: Core Messages Key Points Two-page document titled “Getting to Know the California School Dashboard” (now available) Sample Letter to Parents (also translated into additional languages) Frequently Asked Questions A video on the Dashboard developed by ACSA

Available Resources (Cont.) Coming soon: Training modules on Understanding the State Indicators

Future SBE Topics

Future Topics May 2017 Meeting: The ELPI Workgroup (established in September 2016) will provide recommendations to the SBE on the feasibility of incorporating the Long Term English Learner data into the ELPI. The criteria for determining the lowest five percent of Title I schools will be heard by the SBE. (The criteria are also included in the ESSA State Plan.) ELPI = English Learner Progress Indicator

Future Topics (Cont.) The U.S. Department of Education requires states to have at least 95% participation rate in ELA and math. The criteria for how it will be incorporated into the new accountability system will be discussed. (The criteria are also included in the ESSA State Plan.)

Future Topics (Cont.) July/September 2017 Meetings: The CDE will be convening a CCI Workgroup. The Workgroup’s progress will be presented to the SBE and to begin the discussion on the revision to the CCI Model.

Future Topics (Cont.) These are some sample questions to be considered by the CCI Workgroup: What additional valid and reliable measures for career preparedness are currently available and what measures need to be collected in CALPADS? What additional reports should be included in the Dashboard that would provide LEAs and schools with actionable data to improve their CCI performance level?

Future Topics (Cont.) Are there methodologies that would ensure that all graduates, not just students who are prepared, contribute to the CCI performance level? Can student course-taking information currently collected in CALPADS be used to measure access to a broad course of study (Priority 7) in the CCI? What is required to improve the course-taking information?

Future Topics (Cont.) July/September 2017 Meetings (cont.): Begin discussions on the growth model. September 2017 Meeting: Begin discussions on the development of the Chronic Absenteeism state indicator The ESSA State Plan will be approved.

New Data Included in the Fall 2017 Dashboard

New Data Included in the Fall 2017 Dashboard California Alternate Assessment (CAA): Two years of CAA data will be incorporated into the ELA and math for the fall 2017 Dashboard. The methodology for how to include this assessment will be brought forth to the Technical Design Group at their April 2017 meeting.

New Data Included in the Fall 2017 Dashboard (Cont.) Foster Youth and Homeless Student Groups will be reported. At the LEA-level, the N size for both groups will be 15 students (not 30). If an LEA has 15 or more Foster Youth or Homeless students, each student group will receive Status, Change, and a performance color. At the school-level, the N size for both groups will be 30 students.

New Data Included in the Fall 2017 Dashboard (Cont.) The CCI will be reported as Status only using the 2015-16 four-year cohort graduation (Class of 2016). Since the Class of 2016 took the Smarter Balanced assessments as grade 11 students in 2015, the 2015 Smarter Balanced results will be used to calculate Status. Chronic Absenteeism may be released as information in the Detailed Report on the Dashboard.

Additional Item to Note The demographic data will annually be extracted out of the CALPADS ODS on June 15. Therefore, we encourage LEA and schools to make appropriate corrections prior to the extraction date. (See section on Student Groups [starting on page 18] in the guide for the data corrections.) ODS= Operational Data Store

Question to RAN Members For the past few years, the CDE has loaded AYP Reports in CALPADS to help LEAs and schools make data corrections. Because there will no longer be a data correction process, the CDE is considering eliminating these reports. Do you have any concerns with the CDE eliminating the AYP reports from CALPADS?

Questions: Academic Accountability Unit for Calculations of the State Indicators, CCI, and Grade 11 DF3 Local Agency Systems Support Office for LCFF and Uploading Local Indicators into the Dashboard Thank You!