Tips for Restoring Lost Member Sensation


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Presentation transcript:

Tips for Restoring Lost Member Sensation

Every man knows that manhood skin is quite sensitive. It has to be in order to provide the vivid sensations a guy feels when he’s engaged in sensual activity of any kind. That’s one of the reasons why a guy will always pay good attention to proper male organ care – to keep the health of his manhood skin top-notch.male organ care But over time, member sensation seems to become a little dulled. Things that once brought a man to the heights of pleasure now just don’t have that same “zing” he’s used to feeling. What causes this loss of male organ sensitivity, and what can a man do about it? The good news is that there’s quite a bit he can do!

Why a loss of member sensation? Member sensation dissipates for many reasons, some of which are simply unavoidable. For instance, as a man ages, his skin naturally changes. Over time, little irritations build up and make the skin former a thicker layer. A good way to think of it is to consider a man who works with his hands. Eventually, his hands will become thicker and calloused as a result of all the work he does with them. And so it is with manhood skin, which becomes a little tougher with every irritation is suffers. After several years, the result is a little less member sensation to enjoy when it’s time to get busy.

There can be other reasons, too. Some medical conditions, such as diabetes, bring with it a lack of sensation due to changes in the nerves in the skin. Alcohol and tobacco use can eventually damage the nerves as well, making it tougher for a man to feel what he should. Poor blood circulation from too-tight clothing, obesity and some sports certainly doesn’t help. Even excessive self-pleasuring can eventually cause a problem for sensitive manhood skin, as it can lead to certain areas being a little ‘dulled’ to sensation.

Recovering lost male organ sensitivity Fortunately, there are some things a man can do to help restore the member sensation he has lost. Here are a few sure-fire methods a guy can try: 1. Change up self-gratification. Sometimes a man gets accustomed to self-pleasuring a certain way, and that leads to certain areas of the male organ that need extra stimulation. Over time, this can make it tough for him to truly enjoy the touch of a partner, as what really gets him going, so to speak, is the same routine over and over. Break free of that routine by taking a break from solo pay and spending time with a partner instead. This can help train the male organ to enjoy different sensations.

2. Avoid irritations. A guy can help heal the tougher manhood skin by doing things a little differently. For instance, if he is accustomed to going commando and letting his male organ rub against the rough trouser material, he can switch to wearing very soft boxers or briefs. If he’s used to self- gratifying without lube, he can start to incorporate lube into his routine to give the sensitive manhood skin a break. 3. Cut out bad habits. A guy who indulges in alcohol and smoking a bit too much might find that he’s losing member sensation. Letting go of those habits can help the manhood skin recover and restore some of that lost sensitivity.

4. Reverse medical conditions. Some medical conditions, such as diabetes, can actually be reversed if a man catches them fast enough. Type 2 diabetes can often be managed with proper diet, exercise and the addition of certain medications. By getting blood sugars under control, a man might notice his sensation is coming back. This is also true for other medical conditions that can be managed well. 5. Use a strong male organ health crème. The use of a specially formulated male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can go a long way toward restoring sensation. Shea butter and vitamin E can help keep skin supple, while L-carnitine protects against peripheral nerve damage that can lead to lowered member sensation.male organ health crème