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FOA 10-19-15 Were the Articles of Confederation a success or failure? Explain why you think so with at least one reason or example from your notes!

FOA Review FOA- Overall, I would have to say that the Articles of Confederation were a failure. They did help us win the war, end the war, and settle the Northwest Territory, but they were not strong enough to help solve all of the problems the early US Government faced. Examples: Couldn’t raise taxes, couldn’t control trade between states.

Today’s Agenda Complete FOA Review Articles of Confederation Look at a specific example of why the Articles of Confederation needed to be replaced Shay’s Rebellion Two different Views of the event

Read: Shays’s Rebellion Textbook Excerpt Read silently and answer the following questions in you composition book 1. What happened in Shay’s rebellion? 2. How is it connected to the Articles of Confederation? 3. According to the textbook, how did Americans respond?

Read: Thomas Jefferson’s letter about the rebellion: Write answers in Comp Book 1. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Do you think he wanted to see America form a strong central government? Why or why not? 2. According to Jefferson, have the colonies been peaceful or chaotic? Support your answer with evidence from the document. 3. Jefferson thinks the people at the Constitutional Convention are overreacting to Shays’ Rebellion. What does he worry they might do as they write the new Constitution? (Note: this answer is not in the document; you need to think).

Study for your Quiz- Tomorrow Strengths of the Articles of Confederation Created an Army and Navy Helped settle the Northwest Territory- Land Ordinance of 1785, Northwest Ordinance Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation No Power to tax or collect tariffs (taxes on imported good) Impact of Shays’s Rebellion Many Americans were worried that the government was too weak to deal with potential problems. They wanted a stronger government.