Why Member Dry Rubbing is a Bad Idea


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Presentation transcript:

Why Member Dry Rubbing is a Bad Idea

When a man is in the mood to get it on, whether with himself or with a partner, he might have a particular way he likes to do things. For some men, that’s a dry rubbing of the manhood – basically, grasping the member firmly and moving the skin around the shaft, but not using lube to do so. The result can be explosive, but it can also be detrimental to male organ health. Part of good manhood care is understanding how this practice can hurt the member and finding alternate ways to enjoy the sensation but not cause that damage in the process.manhood care

Why member dry rubbing is a bad idea Member dry rubbing can cause serious problems. Though it might not seem to be a problem at first – and likely is not a problem for a man who does it only occasionally – someone who uses dry rubbing all the time is setting himself up for issues down the line. Here’s why. 1. Microscopic tears. Dry rubbing means the skin is completely unprotected from friction, and the result can be tiny tears and cuts that are impossible to see by simply looking at the skin. However, those tiny tears are more than large enough for bacteria to get in, which can lead to serious infections in the skin.

2. Urethral damage. As a man uses dry rubbing, he causes damage to much more than the shaft. The very tip of the manhood, where the urethral opening is, can get pulled quite severely. This might mean tiny tears there as well, and a buildup of scar tissue in, around or near the urethra. This can eventually cause problems with urination. 3. Nerve damage. The nerves in the manhood are very delicate; they have to be in order to feel the intense sensations from a feather-light touch. But that also means that they can be easily damaged. Too much dry rubbing can make the nerves fire incorrectly, and eventually deaden them enough that manhood sensation just isn’t what it used to be.

4. Skin toughening. Any rubbing in the same place over and over can cause callouses. Think about guitar players with callouses on their fingers, or runners with callouses on their feet. The idea is the same when it comes to dry rubbing the manhood. The more rubbing it gets, the more likely the skin is to toughen, much like a callous building up on the skin. This leads to significant loss of sensation. 5. Circulatory problems. The manhood is filled with tiny blood vessels. These vessels are very important for proper blood flow, as well as helping the manhood expand when a guy gets excited. When the manhood is clutched too tightly, as if often the case with dry rubbing, those vessels become compressed. Over time, this can lead to loss of sensation thanks to the loss of proper circulation.

6. Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is an abnormal curvature or bend of the manhood, often brought about by scar tissue formation in the manhood. This might occur thanks to a series of tiny traumas, as to be expected from consistent dry rubbing. Those little traumas lead to a bit of scar tissue here and there, and over time they build up to create a manhood that has much more of a curve to it. Another result of Peyronie’s disease is a loss of sensation in the area most affected.

7. Sensual problems. When a man turns to dry rubbing all the time, the result can be that he becomes attuned only to that way of doing things. As a result, when he is in bed with a partner, he might have trouble with enjoying it fully. This can lead to serious problems in the bedroom and the relationship. In addition to avoiding dry rubbing, a man is advised to use a male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on a regular basis. A crème that contains a multitude of vitamins, such as A, C, D and E, as well as a luxurious Shea butter base, can help mitigate some of the damage caused by dry rubbing. male organ health crème