Is a Member Seal Adequate Manhood Protection?


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Presentation transcript:

Is a Member Seal Adequate Manhood Protection?

Part of protecting male organ health is practicing good sensual health. That includes taking steps to ensure adequate manhood protection, such as wearing a rubber protection when engaging in sensual activity in a non-monogamous relationship in order to diminish the risk of both pregnancy and the spread of social diseases. Since acquiring a social disease can have devastating consequences for a man, maintaining manhood protection is key – and it’s a responsibility no guy should take lightly. The question some men are now facing is this: does use of a member seal provide adequate manhood protection?male organ health

What is a member seal? It’s not a water mammal in the shape of male organ, nor is it an envelope sticker emblazoned with a proud manhood. Rather, a member seal is a piece of adhesive that fits across the tip of the member and effectively seals off the urethra. Why would a guy do such a thing? Well, the idea behind the member seal is that it keeps male seed from erupting forth from the manhood, thus preventing seed from making their way into the female organ and starting their search for an egg to fertilize. By the same token, if the male seed is prevented from leaving the member, it can’t come in contact with another person – and if that male seed is tainted with a social disease, therefore, the male seed can’t spread the infection to another person.

Does it work? Unfortunately, there are a few things wrong with the reasoning behind the member seal, especially when it comes to pregnancy prevention and social disease prevention. First, there’s the simple fact that the seal may not always work. If the seal is not properly sealed, male seed will dribble out of the protected area. And in some cases, the force of eruption may be so strong that it lifts up a portion of the seal, allowing more of the male seed to escape.

Second, there’s the fact that adequate manhood protection (and protection of any partners) requires that the entire member be covered. The member seal is intended to really cover just the tip of the manhood, leaving the vast majority of the organ uncovered and unprotected. It’s possible that a member seal might be of some use in the realm of oral sensual activity. If a partner does not wish to swallow male seed, the use of a seal might diminish the chance of that happening. However, it still leaves open some possibility for transmission of a sensual infection.

Other issues Beyond its questionable protective abilities, there are other things to consider with a member seal. The seal may prevent male seed from flowing out, but it doesn’t prevent it from still entering the urethra. If a guy doesn’t flush the seed out soon after sensual activity (usually by urinating and forcing the male seed out), the seed will stay in the urethra, which is typically full of bacteria. And the mixture of male seed and bacteria may not be the best thing for organ health.

Then there’s the simple matter of removing the seal. It’s a piece of adhesive, so it’s basically similar to taking packaging tape and wrapping it around the manhood tip. Even when pulled off slowly, there is likely to be some pain – and the real likelihood of damaging the member skin through peeling some of it off.

A rubber protection is a much better idea for manhood protection than a member seal. And it’s even better when a man also maintains male organ health via a top rated male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Raw, damaged member skin will respond to a crème that contains a combination of potent moisturizing ingredients, such as vitamin E and Shea butter. It’s also good to keep the manhood skin robust by using a crème with a potent antioxidant (like alpha lipoic acid) to minimize oxidative stress.male organ health crème