Does Member Sensitivity Training Really Work?


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Presentation transcript:

Does Member Sensitivity Training Really Work?

Every man wants to have great manhood sensation. That’s one of the reasons why a guy will invest a great deal of time in good manhood care, making sure he has done everything in his power to preserve the great member sensitivity that makes his personal life so pleasurable. But some men want to enhance what they already have, which often means looking into member sensitivity training.manhood care

Does member sensitivity training work? Just as a man trains for a marathon by running increasingly long amounts of time and distance, or a swimmer trains by shaving a few fractions of a second off their speed each time, so a man can train for almost anything in life. For some men, that means member sensitivity training. It works by pinpointing the areas of the manhood that don’t have as much sensation available to them, then focusing on those areas to create more intense sensations from those nerve endings. When it works, the result is strong sensation throughout the entire manhood, leading to enhanced member sensitivity. And if it doesn’t work? Well, a man can certainly have fun trying it, and it won’t hurt him in the least! So why not give it a shot?

How to do it Member sensitivity training is pretty straightforward. A man will start with some serious manhood exploration, perhaps of a style he has never tried before. He will simply lie back and begin to play with his manhood, exploring the areas that he rarely touches. Just as with anything else in life, certain areas get most of the attention and other areas get ignored. So a man might want to focus on the head, where the sensation is strongest; but in order to enhance member sensitivity, this exercise requires that he focus on the areas that don’t give him as much sensation. He should take careful note of where these areas are.

Then he should try different sensory items on the areas to determine how they respond best. For instance, does a feather get more of a response than a stroke of the hand does? He should note that. In fact, he might want to create a diagram and write all of this down in a notebook that he will keep handy next to the bed. The idea is that a man will begin to focus on areas that don’t get as much sensation, in order to stimulate the nerves there and push them to feel more of the variety of touches that he applies to it. For instance, there might be no response to that feather on the first day. But when he tries it again a week later, focusing only on that area, the brain can ‘map’ the nerve endings in such a way that it almost expects that touch, and the response to it is stronger.

A guy can try this with almost anything, including ice cubes, soft towels versus rough ones, fur-lined sensual toys, different types of warming lubes, the cool touch of steel, and of course, the aforementioned feather, among other things. Over time, a man should find that he can get himself excited and maybe even get himself off by touching only those areas that didn’t have that much sensation in the beginning. That’s when he knows member sensitivity training is working!

To help things along, a man should reach for a daily male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Because soft and supple skin is more responsive, a guy should look for a crème that contains the hydrating power of vitamin E as well as a high-end emollient like Shea butter. These two ingredients can keep the skin soft, allowing those feather-light touches to make even more of an impact.male organ health crème