Activities Indulging the Heart and Minds: Journeys Roni Lebauer Saddleback College
What do we most want our students to do as language learners? We want them to be attentive We want them to be active learners
How can we do that?
Basic premise of the Journeys series second language learners have hearts and minds both need to be addressed
Hearts feelings about the language about language learning about the content that is the vehicle for using the language
Minds thoughts about the language about the subject matter
Why is the heart-mind connection important? Issues relating to motivation and the effect on language learning affect and the effect on language acquisition the importance of meaningful use of language in the classroom learning styles and multiple intelligences All of these relate to our students’ hearts and minds
JOURNEYS A Series for Young Adult and Adult EFL/ESL Learners 12 books 4 skills 3 levels
JOURNEYS Principles Lower level students have brains and hearts. Lower level students can work with sophisticated content. Learning needs to be recycled in different contexts. Classroom needs and preferences vary and can best be met through interconnected single skill titles.
How can Journeys be used? Flexibility is the key. Whole Class Use Individualized/Small Group Use Single Titles for Single Skills Classes Single Titles as Supplements for Basal Series in Multiskills Classes Grouped Single Titles for Multiskill Classes
Book 1 Unit 19 Schematizer Personalization of Unit Theme
Book 1 Unit 19 Reading 1: Informal Text Vocabulary and Comprehension Activities Personalization Activities Ideally lends itself to reading aloud after initial comprehension.
Book 1 Unit 19 Reading 2: “Real Life” Text Vocabulary and Comprehension Activities Tasks are appropriate for the text. The tasks are often easier than the language.
Book 1 Unit 19 Reading 3: Expository Text –Readings of human interest and of general import. Appeal to intellect and heart –Pre and Post-Reading Activities. –Comprehension Activities –Language Focus
Book 1 Unit 19 Consolidator Challenge Activity Quotes and Sayings
Fifth Unit: Extensive Reading Focus on global comprehension and pleasure reading Variety of Reading Genres
Supporting the Heart-Mind Language Learning Success Connection Through supplementation, adaptation, and appropriate selection of texts Personalize material Encourage communication Make it relevant Make it fun and enjoyable. Appeal to different learning styles and intelligences. Make it challenging. Make sure it’s worthy of adult time. Treat adult language learners as adults.