CAEP Standard 3: Candidate quality, recruitment and selectivity Thursday, March 27 3:00-4:00 PM Emerson Elliott, CAEP CONNECT WITH CAEP |


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CAEP Standard 3: Candidate quality, recruitment and selectivity Thursday, March 27 3:00-4:00 PM Emerson Elliott, CAEP CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Dr. Rosa I. Roman Perez University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus Dr. Rosa I. Roman Perez University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez Campus

New CAEP Standard 3 : Candidate quality, recruitment and selectivity What we plan to do during this hour:  Walk through the language of the standard  Discuss some glossary terms  Thinking about EPP responsibilities  Examples of evidence Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation CONNECT WITH CAEP | | | Twitter:

Some glossaryterms  Cohort  Group average  STEM  Others? Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation CONNECT WITH CAEP | | | Twitter:

Why this NEW standard? Research on academic ability  Developing effective teachers - what matters and what works Other factors—both academic and non-academic  International comparisons  Accountability No Child Left Behind Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation CONNECT WITH CAEP | | | Twitter:

Why this NEW standard? Need for a diverse education workforce Need more able teachers for diverse student population needs Focus on P-12 student learning Convergence of views, US and international Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation CONNECT WITH CAEP | | | Twitter:

A deeper look Need to be more selective, but also need more diversity Need to be selective and therefore need to recruit Need selectivity at admissions but also throughout the program Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation CONNECT WITH CAEP | |

A deeper look Need academic qualifications but also non- academic abilities Need to reach challenging academic criteria but EPPs can offer alternative criteria EPPs need to prepare candidates for available jobs Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation CONNECT WITH CAEP | |

Thinking about EPP responsibilities What is the EPP’s mission What candidate admissions criteria will support that mission?  Academic achievement and ability  Other criteria CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Educator Preparation

Thinking about EPP responsibilities What annual targets should be met in a recruitment plan?  Phasing in How can the EPP monitor candidate progress during preparation? Are candidate’s achieving the EPP’s mission for exit knowledge and skills? CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Educator Preparation

Examples of evidence from the Standards Recruitment plans  based on mission and employment opportunities  year by year targets  evidence of marketing to diverse schools  evidence of collaboration Data collected from applicants  PEAU, ACT, SAT, AP, IB, SAT II, honors, awards, high school courses CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Educator Preparation

Examples of evidence from the Standards Case studies of alternative criteria  Leadership, grit, perseverance, etc. Case studies of assessments of candidates  demonstrating developing responsibilities in the classroom and impact on P-12 learning CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Educator Preparation

Questions, doubts, concerns, worries, thoughts, ideas, recommendations, suggestions… CONNECT WITH CAEP | | Educator Preparation We welcome your…