Congress of Vienna Re-building Napoleonic Europe Re-building Napoleonic Europe
Congress of Vienna Timeline Begins after Napoleon surrenders to the allied powers in Paris after 150,000 troops marched into the city May 1814: first Treaty of Paris signed by Allies - restores Bourbon line to the throne and reduces France to pre-1792 borders September 1814: Congress of Vienna convened March 1815: Napoleon’s 100 Days June 8, 1815: Final act of Congress signed June 15, 1815: Battle of Waterloo May 21, 1821: Napoleon dies on St. Helena Begins after Napoleon surrenders to the allied powers in Paris after 150,000 troops marched into the city May 1814: first Treaty of Paris signed by Allies - restores Bourbon line to the throne and reduces France to pre-1792 borders September 1814: Congress of Vienna convened March 1815: Napoleon’s 100 Days June 8, 1815: Final act of Congress signed June 15, 1815: Battle of Waterloo May 21, 1821: Napoleon dies on St. Helena
Congress of Vienna Peace Conference - purpose? Diplomats from almost all European states Dominated by landed classes/aristocracy Conservative philosophy Restore pre-revolution status quo Peace Conference - purpose? Diplomats from almost all European states Dominated by landed classes/aristocracy Conservative philosophy Restore pre-revolution status quo
Participants - Big Four Alexander I Russia Klemens von Metternich Austria Prince Hardenberg Prussia Viscount Castlereagh England
France Louis XVIII’s representative Charles de Talleyrand Goal to exclude France Talleyrand skillfully inserts himself Louis XVIII’s representative Charles de Talleyrand Goal to exclude France Talleyrand skillfully inserts himself
Chief Concerns Stability/Peace: What to do about France? Redrawing the map of Europe Who gets what? What gov’t should be in charge? Stability/Peace: What to do about France? Redrawing the map of Europe Who gets what? What gov’t should be in charge?
Key Principles Achieving Stability/Peace Legitimacy - Restore gov’ts that reject revolutionary principles (status quo) Bourbons in France, Spain, Kingdom of 2 Sicilies Not all gov’ts restored? HRE? Why? Balance of Power - Check universal monarchy European diplomatic goal Key: don’t crush France Compensation - Adequate but not excessive Avoid large territorial claims Balance of power considerations Achieving Stability/Peace Legitimacy - Restore gov’ts that reject revolutionary principles (status quo) Bourbons in France, Spain, Kingdom of 2 Sicilies Not all gov’ts restored? HRE? Why? Balance of Power - Check universal monarchy European diplomatic goal Key: don’t crush France Compensation - Adequate but not excessive Avoid large territorial claims Balance of power considerations
Territorial Decisions: The New Europe France boundaries Kingdom of the Netherlands (Dutch Republic/Austrian Netherlands) Prussia: East bank of the Rhine Austria: Northern Italy Great Britain given Malta, Cape Colony, Ceylon Switzerland: Neutrality German Confederation - 39 states Diet: No executive power Norway transferred to Sweden France boundaries Kingdom of the Netherlands (Dutch Republic/Austrian Netherlands) Prussia: East bank of the Rhine Austria: Northern Italy Great Britain given Malta, Cape Colony, Ceylon Switzerland: Neutrality German Confederation - 39 states Diet: No executive power Norway transferred to Sweden Pope restored in Papal States King of Sardinia restored in Piedmont, Nice, Savoy/Genoa Duchies of Piacenza and Guastalla given to Marie Louise, Napoleon’s wife Hapsburgs restored in Grand Tuscany/Modena Slave trade condemned Freedom of navigation guaranteed for many rivers - Rhine
Territorial Decisions: The New Europe
Russian-Prussian Deal: Russians get independent Polish kingdom in exchange Prussia gets Saxony Unacceptable to Austrians and British - Talleyrand exerts his power January 3, 1815: Secret treaty-->War Compromise Russia - “Congress Poland” Prussia - 2/5 of Saxony Polish-Saxon Crisis
Preserving the Agreement Internally: “Tough” Government Conservative Carlsbad Decrees Externally: Cooperative Action - work together to stop threats “Concert of Europe” Congress of Troppau Holy Allance: Austria, Prussia, Russia Establishment of Congress System: New World Order Francis I Frederick William III Alexander I
Weaknesses? Strengths ? Evaluation of the Congress of Vienna