ENRD Contact Point 2014-2020 Mike Gregory, Urszula Budzich-Tabor, Brussels, 18 November 2014, Meeting with a LEADER delegation from Ireland.


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Presentation transcript:

ENRD Contact Point Mike Gregory, Urszula Budzich-Tabor, Brussels, 18 November 2014, Meeting with a LEADER delegation from Ireland

(i) Improve the quality of RDP implementation(iii) Inform the public on the benefits of the policy(ii) Increase the involvement of all stakeholders ENRD OBJECTIVES

Knowledge sharingKnowledge developmentExchanges and cooperation Key areas of activity


Planned ENRD CP Tasks – Year 1 5 TaskKey outputs 1. RDP analysis Partnership Agreement fiches - 28 completed RDP fiches – 118 (expected still in progress) 2. Thematic groups Thematic Group 1 Stakeholder involvement Thematic Group 2 Improving Implementation Meetings + Reports (may evolve into Year 2) 3. Good practices Coordinated approach agreed 25 examples 4. Website + social mediaWebsite ‘live’ within 2014 V2.0 within Yr 1 (July 2015) Twitter, Facebook, Youtube channels activated and moderated

Planned ENRD CP Tasks – Year 1 6 TaskKey outputs 5. Publications Newsletter monthly from Oct Thematic Periodical: 2 issues Magazine: 2 issues Projects brochure 6. Events 2 seminars (topics to be confirmed) 2 National Rural Network meetings 7. NRNs Specific actions: Member States and macro regional Tools established 8. LEADER & CLLDTools established, possible ‘task group’ 9. Transnational cooperation Tools established, possible ‘task force’

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles – Second level Third level – Fourth level » Fifth level Selected tools and methods 7 Thematic working groups – analysis – identification of success factors and systemic constraints Good practice projects and methodologies On-line tools, social media Seminars, workshops, meetings Publications Combined into Integrated Work Packages focusing on 3 key themes per year; in CLLD/LEADER is one of the 3 packages

Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles – Second level Third level – Fourth level » Fifth level Possible tools for CLLD/LEADER at the EU level 8 Mainly for MAs and DG AGRI ‘Desks’ Mainly for LAGs Collecting/disseminating useful examples of delivery mechanisms/procedures FAQs (support to programming) Workshops, seminars, meetings Updating LEADER/CLLD Toolkit Updating cooperation guidance and tools FAQs Project examples Improved databases and search tools (LAG database, cooperation projects, cooperation partner search) EU seminars and events On-line forums Support for the LEADER/CLLD task group (exchange and mutual learning platform)