The teaching of past tense and although/but, because/so through Greek mythology 透過希臘神話故事教學 過去式 與 although/but, because/so 句型.


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Presentation transcript:

The teaching of past tense and although/but, because/so through Greek mythology 透過希臘神話故事教學 過去式 與 although/but, because/so 句型

What fruit is on the cake? strawberry blueberrycranberry

See! How yummy!! The cake is called Fromhttp:// s/product/ss1020/ 莓杜莎.

This Jolin’s song is called From~ 5hMOCg8 美杜莎 Medusa

According to one version of the Greek story, Medusa was once a lovely young girl who had a boyfriend she loved very much. One afternoon she and her boyfriend were looking for a place where they could be alone, and they went into a temple of the goddess Athena. Seeing that nobody else was there, they sat down to talk, and soon they started to kiss. Athena, looking down from the sky, saw Medusa kissing her boyfriend, and Athena was very angry that they would use her temple this way. Athena

made Medusa grow very ugly, and have snakes instead of hair. Medusa's boyfriend ran away, frightened. After that Medusa went away from other people and hid herself, and she lived with her sisters (who had also gotten ugly) for many years. They were so ugly that if you looked at them you would turn into a stone statue! From~ #!

I. 請在這篇故事裡, 找出以下單字, 將它們用 marker 做記號, 並寫出它們的詞性及意義。 EX: camera (n) 相機 1.Greek( )_________ 2.lovely( ) ________ 3.alone( )__________ 4.temple( )_________ 5.goddess( )________ 6.made( )__________ 7.snake( )__________ 8.frightened( )_______ 9.stone( )__________10.statue( )__________ 希臘可愛的 孤單 廟 女神 做 蛇 驚嚇 石頭雕像 n adj adv n v n n adj n n

II. 請找出故事中過去式不規則動詞, 並以 marker 標記。

III. 請將拿到的故事內容片段, 依文意排列。

IV. Sentence pattern practicing 1.Zeus heard Dannie’s pray. He saved her and her baby. _________________because_______________. 2. He looked at Medusa. He turned to a stone. ________________,so ___________________. Zeus saved her and her babyhe heard Dannie’s pray He looked at Medusahe turned to a stone

3. Perseus and his mom are poor. They live happily. Although_____________________________, ____________________________________. 4. The king was rich. He always asked the people to send him gifts. ______________, but __________________ ____________________________________. Perseus and his mom are poor they live happily The king was rich he always asked people to send him gifts

V. 請以四格漫畫加簡易英語畫出影片 故事中情節

Thank you for listening!!! from 菜菜壁紙