Much of Greek art was centered on: a. The human figure and human experiences b. City life versus Farm life c. The family tree of the gods d. Roman art a
Greek art was a model for a. Egyptian art b. Eastern civilization c. Western civilization d. Modern technolgy c
Which is NOT a function of Greek art? a. Honoring the gods b. Demonstrating civic pride achievement c. Representing daily life acurately d. Commemorating the dead c
Sculptures of Eastern Greece tended to be_____________ than those of the mainland. a. Softer and more fluid b. Larger c. Leaner and more geometric d. Made to be more graceful and in a smaller scale a
In a Greek temple what is the naos? a. Front porch b. Columns that support the roof c. Back porch d. Central room d
Where was the image of the god kept at a typical Greek temple? a.The colonade b.The naos c.The frieze d.The front porch b
What helped support the roof in a typical Greek temple? a. Naos b. Front porch c. Colonade d. Frieze c
Kouros appeared during the ______ period a. Hellenistic Greek art b. Greco-Roman art c. Archaic Greek art d. Greco-Buddhist c
A _____________is a statue of a standing nude youth that did not represent any one individual youth but the idea of youth. a. Kore b. Kouros c. Figure d. Naos b
What is the main difference between a Kouros and a Kore? a. One depicts and outdoor scene and the other indoors b. One is the front porch and the other is the back porch of a typical Greek temple c. One is a noble and one is a simple man d. One is clothed and one is naked d
What culture inspired the Kouros? a. Roman b. Eastern Asian c. Egyptian d. Greek c
________ are frontal, rigid, and symmetrical. They hold their arms at their sides and step slightly forward on the left leg. a. colomnade b. naos c. Kouroi d. Bronze statuettes of aristocrats c
For women, a prestigious and socially important form of art was/were________ a. Weaving and textiles b. Painting c. Pottery d. Carving and decorating wooden vases a
“Hermes Carrying the Infant Dionysus” is the only original art made by the hand of this artist: a. Myron b. Praxiteles c. Phidias d. Lysippus b
“Hermes Carrying the Infant Dionysus” is a. A Kore b. A painting on a vase c. A frieze d. A marble statue d
Most of Praxiteles’ works survive a. As Roman copies b. Under the protection of temple roofs c. As Greek originals d. In the Louvre museum in Paris, France a
What is Praxiteles’ most celebrated work? a. b. c. “Aphrodite of Cnidus” d. a
Why is “ Aphrodite of Cnidus” considered so innovative for its time? a. It is a painted statue b. It is a statue of a goddess in the nude c. It is made of granite instead of the typical marble d. It is life size b
What is this called? a.“Hermes Carrying the Infant Dionysus” b.“Greek Man with Child” c. “Kore and Kouros” d. “Hermes as an Infant” a
What is this? a. Aphrodite of Cnidus is a marble statue in the Vatican Museum b. c. d. a
What is the…. a.Apollo with lizard “Apollo Sauroctonus” Praxiteles b. c. d. a
Christmas gift? a. b. c. d. a
What did Myron do? a. architect b. musician c. sculptor d. painter c
What material did Myron mostly use for his sculptures? a. copper b. granite c. marble d. bronze d
What is this? a. b. c. The group of Ahtena and Marsyas d. c
Who did this? a. b. c. Praxiteles d. Myron d
What is this? a. b. c. d. a
What is this? a. b. c. d. a
What is this? a. b. c. d. a
What is this? a. b. c. d. a
What is this? a. b. c. d. a
What is this? a. b. c. d. a
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