Motion. inertia [(i-nur-shuh)] In physics, the tendency for objects at rest to remain at rest, and for objects in uniform motion to continue in motion.


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Presentation transcript:


inertia [(i-nur-shuh)] In physics, the tendency for objects at rest to remain at rest, and for objects in uniform motion to continue in motion in a straight line, unless acted on by an outside force. (See Newton's laws of motion.):

I understand all the forces that cause objects to move and causes them to stop…

Study guide: 1.What is the purpose of a reference point? 2. In a Venn diagram compare balanced and unbalanced forces. 3. I can do an informational multi paragraph paper on Friction Writer’s checklist: 1.Multi-paragraph… 5 paragraph structure 2.Sub heading embedded in paper 3. Displays logical order of ideas 4. Displays proper writing mechanics

11.Unbalanced forces occur when one force is GREATER than its opposite force.  Unbalanced forces change the RATE and DIRECTION of the motion of objects.  If the object is AT REST, an unbalanced force will cause it to move in the DIRECTION of the force.  A stronger FORCE (push or pull) will make an object move FASTER.

 The object's MOTION will change with unbalanced forces.  They will cause an object to MOVE, stop, speed up, slow down, or CHANGE DIRECTION.  An object will move in the direction of the GREATER force.  If force is applied in the same direction as a moving object, the object will SPEED UP.

 The object's MOTION will change with unbalanced forces.  They will cause an object to MOVE, stop, speed up, slow down, or CHANGE DIRECTION.  An object will move in the direction of the GREATER force.  If force is applied in the same direction as a moving object, the object will SPEED UP.

Friction information… Quizlet

4. Friction opposes or acts AGAINST motion.  It occurs when two objects RUB against each other.  The harder the surfaces press together, the MORE friction there will be.  Friction occurs in LIQUIDS and GASES as well as between solids.  Without friction, it would be difficult to SLOW or stop the motion of objects.

 Friction produces HEAT.  In Latin, fricare means “to RUB.”  It depends on the object's SURFACE (rough or smooth), object's MASS (heavy or light), object’s SHAPE (aerodynamic), surface area of object (big or small) in liquids and gases, and how hard an object is pushed.  Air RESISTANCE is like friction. For example, the size of a parachute's canopy can affect how fast the parachute will touch ground.  Objects with MORE mass will have more friction. Two bricks will be harder to pull than one brick.

 LUBRICANTS will reduce friction. Examples include water, GREASE, wax, and motor oil. Without lubrication, moving parts of machines would slow down or stop very quickly.  WHEELS or rollers can also reduce friction. Heavier objects can be moved more easily across the floor if on wheels.

 Objects that are aerodynamic will allow less friction. Think of rockets and how they are shaped and cyclists and their helmets. They are ROUNDED so they can glide through the air with little resistance.