Very Rev. David G. Caron, O.P., D. Min Vicar of Evangelization.


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Presentation transcript:

Very Rev. David G. Caron, O.P., D. Min Vicar of Evangelization

Your Role in Evangelization

Preparing to receive and communicate with others in the name of Jesus Christ and his Church.

Mt 28:16-20 The Great Commission

This is the work of all the baptized




In Person

Good Evangelization Developing and honing attitudes and behaviors that will allow us to serve the people of Christ with compassion and mercy.

Good Evangelization Called to Holiness: We each have a unique calling to live a life that is holy and pleasing to the Lord. We need to consider opportunities to allow Christ to work through us and draw us and others closer. Hospitality and Welcome! Called to Share: Sharing the gospel and the person of Christ with others; especially the inquirer Authentic hospitality is a reflection of Christ’s love shining through us.

Good Evangelization Called to Serve: Christ came to serve. How can we imitate Christ’s service with joy, service and peace? (This includes with difficult people) Called to Build the Kingdom and Make Disciples: Christian life is about an encounter with Christ. People seek to encounter Jesus through the Church. You assist in that encounter or get in the way! To evangelize one must be evangelized first! You have been called to be a disciple. Called through the Holy Spirit you are to be an encounter with Christ.

We become Evangelizers, new messengers, of an eternal message of hope, joy and redemption.

Your Role is Critical!

An Evangelization Prayer God of Word and Spirit, speak your life-giving truth, deepen our faith and quicken our enthusiasm for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Free us to communicate the faith we profess. As disciples of Jesus Christ, strengthen us to be people of hospitality. May we invite others to the Good News of salvation by the witness of our lives. May we extend welcome to those who journeyed from our midst. May we heal the hurts of alienation and offer a place of belonging to those in search of community. Renewed by conversion to Gospel values, may we cast the fire of your Word and Spirit into our homes, our neighborhoods, our places of work and our world. May our nations and cultures be transformed by the redeeming grace of Jesus Christ, the Good News of Truth and Life now, always, and forever. We ask this in the name of your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen!