Regulating The Cell Cycle. Warm Up – The Cell Cycle The cell spends 80% of the time in _______________ and 20% of the time in ________________ What are.


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Presentation transcript:

Regulating The Cell Cycle

Warm Up – The Cell Cycle The cell spends 80% of the time in _______________ and 20% of the time in ________________ What are the steps in mitosis?

Key Concept How is the cell cycle regulated? How do cells know when to divide? How do you heal when you break a bone?

Regulate the Cell Cycle Cyclin: A protein that regulates the cell cycle Tells the cell when to begin mitosis

Growth Factors Growth factors stimulate the growth and division of cells When is this important?

How Does a Cell Die? 1. Accident or injury 2. Apoptosis: Programmed cell death

What is Cancer? How have we been affected by cancer? How are cancer cells different from other cells? Why doesn’t everyone get cancer?

Cancer Cancer: Uncontrollable cell growth Cancer cells don’t respond to signals that regulate growth of cells Tumor: Mass of cells that divide uncontrollably

What Causes Cancer? Defects in genes that regulate cell growth and division. Example: Defect in gene p53, which normally stops the cell cycle until all chromosomes are properly replicated.

How Cancers Spread: Metastasis Cancerous cells lose control and continue to grow & divide, producing tumors which can metastasize (spread to other parts of the body)

Think & Apply… How are cancer cells different from normal cells? When researchers develop drugs, what characteristic of cancer cells do you think they target?