Co-operation and co-ordination mechanism in guidance practise and policy development Cross-policy coordination at national level.


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Presentation transcript:

Co-operation and co-ordination mechanism in guidance practise and policy development Cross-policy coordination at national level

Cross policy co-operation A ministry is the highest managing institution of the relevant sector of state administration The ministries (1) shall organise and co-ordinate the implementations of laws and other regulatory enactments; (2)shall participate in the developing of the policy of the sector Basic Provisions for Co-operation of institutions is described by the State Administration Structure Law

Basic rules State Secretaries’ meeting initially announce and considers draft of legal acts Other institutions identified in meetings’ protocol and NGO’s present opinion on draft in 2 weeks Saeima (Parliament) Cabinet of Ministers Commitees of Cabinet of Ministers

LLL programme principles Shared responsibility Efficiency Synergy of sectoral policies Accessibility Equality Public awareness

LLL programme objectives Accessibility Quality of training opportunities Development of harmonized legal framework Efficient resource management

LLL programme outcomes and indicators Strengthening of support structures for provision of information, guidance and counseling on education opportunities, occupations and career development involving all necessary resources Responsible ministries: MoES, MW, involved: MoRaLG

LLGS Lifelong Guidance System in Latvia

Green paper on LLG On March 29, 2006, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the paper “Improvement of the Career Development Support System” CDSS improvement should be viewed as one of the long-term priorities in Latvia both in the context of demographic trends and life-long learning so that the opportunity is created for Latvia to develop as a knowledge-based economy with a high added value.

Objectives of CDSS Set of activities enabling individuals to identify their interests, abilities, skills and experience at any particular moment in their lifetime. Thus they can make competent decisions about the choice of education and/or occupation, choose and manage their individual educational path, work and other areas where these skills and experience are acquired and/or used.

Political responsibility The political responsibility for the development of the CDSS is shared between the Ministry of Welfare and Ministry of Education and Science State Employment Agency, State Agency of Social Integration, Education Development State Agency,the Ministry of Economy, Local Goverments are involved at operational level

Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for the development and implementation of the national education policy; it also coordinates career education in the whole sector of education.

The State Education Development Agency supervised by the Ministry of Education and Science, coordinates implementation of the career development support system between the areas of education and employment ensures the development of cooperation among institutions involved in the system, including the coordination of the work of the National Forum (Sadarbības padome).

The Ministry of Welfare is involved in CDSS within the framework of policies for reducing unemployment and the active facilitation of employment. the implementation of policy is delegated to the State Employment Agency and the State Agency of Social Integration.

The State Employment Agency provides group and individual consultations in career choice and planning, vocational aptitude tests, provides information about the issues of job seeking and job retaining both for adolescents and adults. It also performs psychological tests of the education skills of unemployed persons.

The State Agency of Social Integration social and professional rehabilitation of disabled persons tests to determine suitable work goals of the disabled persons before enrolment in education programs using also work trials and paying particular attention to the health condition of an individual.

The main role of NF Dialogue: a platform where actors and stakeholders meet to discuss and exchange information and viewpoints, and whose main sought outcome is the creation of a common understanding and the voluntary coordination of activities System development: a place for the development of concrete, practically-oriented elements within the framework of lifelong guidance (e.g. quality-assurance frameworks, training provision)

Employment policies Employment policies follow EU Council Decision guidelines (2008/618/EC)

MoES and MW co-operate (1) 1.National Development Plan (Section on work force training according to labour market needs, where one of 9 issues is addressed: to improve the career support system by providing for citizens’ access to vocational guidance and career counselling at educational institutions and according to their place of residence) 2.LL Policy Guidelines LL Programme for the implementation LLPolicy Guidlines 4.Implementation of Gender Equality

MoES and MW co-operate (2) 5. Vocational Education and Employment Tripartite Cooperation sub-council (Sub-council role is to promote cooperation among the state, employers and employees (trade union) organizations within human resource development, education and government employment policy and strategy development and implementation) Sub-council includes representatives of ministries, local governments, vocational education institutions, employers and other public organisations involved in the implementation of vocational education.

MoES and MW co-operate (3) 6.Law on Support to the Unemployed and Job Seekers Vocational training, retraining and up-skilling of the unemployed, informal learning for the unemployed and job-seekers, training to involve adults in lifelong learning, including those at risk of losing employment AS WELL AS organisation of career counselling services; Agreement on specific vocational profiles, social and vocational key skills for which training will be provided.

Law on Support to the Unemployed and Job Seekers December 18, 2007 Preventive measures for reducing unemployment 1)career counseling, including help in career planning, vocational aptitude tests, and acquiring skills for job seeking and job retaining. Both individual career advice is available (also in the form of an electronic service), and group consultations; 2)increasing the qualification of persons employed by commercial bodies and of self-employed persons, their retraining and further education; 3) facilitating regional mobility of persons employed by commercial bodies; 4) promoting official state language learning.

Law of the Support to the Unemployed and Job Seekers December 18, 2007 The active employment policy measures 1) vocational training, retraining and up-skilling; 2) paid temporary work; 3) measures for enhancing the competitiveness, especially: activities for improving social and functional skills and provision of psychological support; measures for acquiring the basic skills necessary in the labour market as well as for learning the methods of job seeking, for informal education, including state language classes and the choice of the further education; employment opportunities during summer holidays for the students of general, special or vocational schools; other activities that enhance the competitiveness of unemployed persons and job seekers in the labour market

Thank you for your attention ELGPN WP3 Aleksandra Joma,Latvia