Starter Someone you care about has a terminal illness and asks you to help them to die What would you do? Help them to die out of compassion/love for them...


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Presentation transcript:

Starter Someone you care about has a terminal illness and asks you to help them to die What would you do? Help them to die out of compassion/love for them... Say you are not able to help them because you love them too much to see them die What do you think the law says about euthanasia?

Euthanasia and the law Aim: To be able to explain the current legal situation in Britain about euthanasia. Goal: To understand the Hippocratic oath. Starter- Explain the difference between passive and active euthanasia. 3 marks

The Hippocratic Oath To become a doctor you have to take the Hippocratic Oath. What do you think this means for euthanasia? ‘I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgement, but never with a view to injury or wrongdoing. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such course...but I will keep pure and holy both in my life and art.’

Euthanasia and the law Suicide became legal in 1961 but it is still illegal to help anyone end their life (euthanasia). In some cases passive euthanasia is allowed but often permission must be granted from the courts. Anthony Bland was a 17-year-old left severely brain damaged after the 1989 Hillsborough Football Stadium disaster. His parents and the hospital authority concerned asked permission from the High Court to withdraw the artificial nutrition and hydration that was keeping him alive. The High Court and the House of Lords agreed. Case Study page 48 Voluntary euthanasia is not permitted in Britain. Euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands and some other European countries.

Belgium and Euthanasia http://

Knowledge Hunt Read the arguments and record them under the correct heading. Are they a reason why voluntary euthanasia is illegal? Are they a reason Are they a reason that passive euthanasia might be allowed? Extension: Try to decide who the view might belong to The patient / individual Relatives and friends Doctors Society Courts God Can you consider the counter arguments to the arguments that you have recorded?

Possible reasons why voluntary euthanasia is illegal in the UK and should be kept illegal. Possible reasons why passive euthanasia (Tony Bland) is allowed with permission from the high court.

1. Christianity teaches that suffering can have a place in God's plan, in that it allows the sufferer to share in Christ's agony and his redeeming sacrifice. They believe that Christ will be present to share in the suffering of the believer. Pope John Paul II wrote that "It is suffering, more than anything else, which clears the way for the grace which transforms human souls.“ Some people think that dying is just one of the tests that God sets for human beings, and that the way we react to it shows the sort of person we are, and how deep our faith and trust in God is.

2. There's no way of properly regulating euthanasia. How do we know if the individual involved truly wants to die.

3. We have freewill and intelligence, surely we know when it might be better for a person’s life to be ended.

4. It might be compassionate. Muslims believe passive euthanasia is not true euthanasia as it allows nature, to take its course whilst relieving pain. ‘Not take life which Allah has made sacred- except for just cause.’ Qur’an

5. Hospices offer palliative care. They offer full support for the person as they go through treatment and the process of dying.

6. It may lead to less good care for the terminally ill. It might undermines the commitment of doctors and nurses to saving lives. It may become a cost-effective way to treat the terminally ill. It could discourage the search for new cures and treatments for the terminally ill. It undermines the motivation to provide good care for the dying, and good pain relief.

7. A quote from the doctor involved in the Tony Bland case- ‘I am confident that the patient has no awareness nor can he suffer pain or experience pleasure. Further the prospect of improvement can also confidently be answered since based on what we know of the degree of damage to his brain… there is no hint or hope or any prospect of improvement’.

8. It could become the start of a slippery slope that leads to involuntary euthanasia and the killing of people who are thought undesirable.

9. It could expose vulnerable people to feel pressured to end their lives. They might feel pressured by selfish families or the NHS to free up medical resources. In addition, patients who are abandoned by their families may feel euthanasia is the only solution.

10. Muslim teachings on euthanasia are based on the Sanctity of Life. Allah gives life and is responsible for ending it. This is all part of his plan and euthanasia would disrupt it. Suffering may be part of Allah’s plan so humans should not interfere with it. If a person expresses a desire to die they are claiming to know more than Allah which is highly frowned upon. In addition, voluntary, active euthanasia can be seen as suicide and non-voluntary, involuntary can be seen as murder. Euthanasia could also affect life after death so Muslims are prepared to put up with suffering in order to increase their chances of eternity in Paradise with Allah.

How many marks? ‘Only God can take life.’ What do you think? Explain your opinion. 3 marks I disagree that God should be the only person who can end life. To not allow somebody who is terminally ill to fulfil their final wishes and take their own life does not show compassion or agape. It is cruel and unkind to force somebody to suffer for the rest of their lives and goes against the ‘love of our neighbour’, which is why I disagree that only he should be able to take life. However, a Christian may say that God never promised us a life free from suffering and pain. Jesus himself suffered on the cross and therefore even at challenging times we should not give up on our lives as it is all part of God’s plan and therefore we must wait and allow God to take our life.

Application ‘Doctors should not play God – they should save life, not take it away’ Do you agree? (3 marks)