From Green Paper to Children and Families Act 2014: Theory of SEN reform into practice – progress and challenges. Gloucestershire SEND Conference 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

From Green Paper to Children and Families Act 2014: Theory of SEN reform into practice – progress and challenges. Gloucestershire SEND Conference 2015 Wednesday 7 October 2015 André Imich, SEND Professional Adviser, DfE

Successful implementation…………….. 1 Systems – the C&FA 2014 and the Code of Practice 2 Engagement – Co-production, training, knowledge 3 Teaching and learning; evidence- based intervention

The new SEN system – Key features 1. Involvement of children, young people and parents 2. All duties apply to all state-funded schools, inc. Academies 3. Coordinated assessment; 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan 4. LA, health and care services to commission services jointly 5. A clear, transparent local offer of services for all CYP with SEND 6. Statutory protections for 16-25s; focus on preparing for adulthood 7. Offer of a personal budget; more choice and control

4 What the Local Offer is Easily accessible information in one place Includes education, health and social care services available to support CYP with SEND from birth to 25 Particularly important for those without EHC Plans Variety of formats – interactive website, apps, paper, phone and stands

5 Purpose of local offer Improve choice and transparency for families Clear and accessible information Comprehensive and up-to-date Transparent about responsibilities and decisions Make provision more responsive to local needs and aspirations Directly involve CYP with SEND & families in development and review Joint planning with service providers Publish comments and LA’s action plan

Thomas Keble School Pupils identified with additional needs may access:  In class support from a TA. Pupils in the 'S' set for literacy and set 5 for Maths currently access support in all lessons across the curriculum.  Small extracted teaching groups for English and Mathematics led by the Learning Support teachers and HLTAs.  Ruth Miskins' phonic based complete literacy programme, 'Read, Write,Inc.' for all pupils in years 7-8 below Level 4 at KS2. Some may continue this programme or an alternative programme in year 9.  Intervention groups for dyslexia, spelling, reading, handwriting and social skills  1:1 tuition for literacy, mathematics and social emotional support (including anger management)  Specialist ICT equipment e.g. netbooks, enlarged keyboards, livescribe smart pen, voice activated software.  AND MORE……….

Education Health and Care (EHC) plans

A good EHC plan….  Meets the requirements of the Act, regs and the Code.  Describes positively what children and YP can do  Clear, concise, understandable and accessible  Is co-produced  Tells the child or young person’s story well/ coherently

Outcomes - Three key elements  What the C&YP needs to be able to do after a given period of time  Personalised  SMART - specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time related.

“The Golden Thread” – Example AspirationsNeedsOutcomesProvision Jenny (age 14) wants to get a job in travel She needs to improve her spoken language skills Jenny can give directions to another pupil so they can walk to another classroom in the school at least 100m away, successfully on 2 out of 3 occasions by the end of KS4. 30 minutes small group (up to 5 students) language development programme, 3 times a week, designed and monitored termly by SALT with reinforcement activities in class. Jenny will be provided with a 2 week work experience in a local travel agency during summer term 2017, organised by head of KS4 in her school.

Transfer Reviews: Summary An EHC needs assessment For statements, max 20 weeks Can use existing advice where agreed The LA is responsible Schools/ colleges play key role ISs can help families and YP Young person can ask for an assessment Statements by April 18, LDAs by Sept 16 For LDAs, max 20 weeks No child to lose out

Proposed inspection focus 1.How effectively does the local area identify CYP who are disabled and/or have special educational needs? 2.How effectively does the local area meet the needs and improve the outcomes of CYP who are disabled and/or have special educational needs? Judgements are about the performance of the local area since the implementation of the reforms in September Important to note that this is a local area inspection and not a local authority inspection

Inspection Process  Focus first on LA – meetings, self-evaluation reports  Then triangulation - visits to providers, meeting parents, children and young people  Reporting/ feedback likely to be a narrative report

Starting point Local areas must know how well the area is doing in implementing the reforms Group discussion (3mins)  As a table, agree how well Gloucestershire is doing, on a scale of 0 (  ) -10 ( )  AND agree one piece of evidence to support this

Early National Implementation Issues Ensuring there is genuine, continuing, co-production Moving towards the full vision of the local offer. Transition - statements to Education Health Care Plans Ensuring all agencies play their role Leadership and developing the workforce

CFA 2014 – Principles and Implications Principles focus onImplications for schools The wishes, views and feelings of children, their parents and of young people themselves Listen to and respond to the concerns of parents, children and young people The participation of parents, children and young people in decision-making about SEN Parents, children and young people involved in decisions from the start, e.g. in the initial decision about whether a child or young person has SEN Providing children, young people and parents with information and advice to support participation  must publish an SEN Information Report  should provide children, young people and parents with information about the local Information, Advice and Support Service Outcomes and improving progress for children and young people with SEN A focus on outcomes and impact gather evidence of the impact of their actions on the progress of pupils with SEN7 publish information about how they evaluate the effectiveness of provision made for pupils with SEN

The journey towards further improvement.....…  Co-production – individual and strategic  Local offer, and school/college information reports  Developing post-16 provision  Wider school improvement agenda and SEN support – quality teaching and learning for all  Measuring impact/ accountability  Workforce development  Leadership 22

 My feelings are that this is a vast improvement on the statement and takes into account everything about your child, including the family. So don’t be worried or scared when your child’s review comes, you will be pleasantly surprised and come away feeling positive. (Parent)  I think the way the new EHCP has been conducted was a lovely change. Having everyone to contribute was effective and positive. (Parent)  Has been overwhelmingly positive in terms of strengthening partnership with our pupils and their families by clarifying and working towards their aspirations for their adult lives. (School) Early Feedback

Successful implementation…………….. 1 Systems – the C&FA 2014 and the Code of Practice 2 Engagement – Co-production, training, knowledge 3 Teaching and learning; evidence- based intervention